Can Hugs Heal?

Can Hugs Heal? by nancy addison, organic healthy life

As Valentine’s Day draws near, my research shows that hugs can actually ward off stress and protect the immune system. It is my opinion (after 35 years of research) that isolation or “social distancing” can actually harm your health. According to research by psychologist Dr. Sheldon Cohen, hugs can actually protect our health and improve […]

The Power of a Hug!

Can Hugs Heal? by nancy addison, organic healthy life

As Valentine’s Day draws near, my research shows that hugs can actually ward off stress and protect the immune system. It is my opinion (after 35 years of research) that isolation or “social distancing” can actually harm your health. According to research by psychologist Dr. Sheldon Cohen, hugs can actually protect our health and improve […]

The Importance Of Physical Closeness And Love

Nancy addison, discusses how important connection and closeness is, but also doing what you feel is important to your heart.rescuing hug,

As Valentine’s Day draws near, I am reminded of a story that I read in 1995 about twin baby girls. When they were born on October 17, 1995, they were premature by 12 weeks and were put in the neonatal intensive care unit of the Medical Center in Central Massachusetts in Worcester. As a standard […]

The Power Of Love And A Hug

Nancy Addison, nutritionist, tdiscusses the power of connection and the power of love.

I read the other day that stress has increased by 35% in the last year for most people. With new technology causing more isolation, alienation, and stress, we need to take the time and make the effort to connect in person, and be there with love and hugs. It could quite literally save someone’s life […]