Make Healthy Eating Delicious This New Year!

 As we emerge from the holidays with joy and peace in our hearts, let’s start off the New Year with thoughts of making the coming year even better and healthier. I frequently talk to people who think that eating healthier doesn’t always taste delicious. But, the good news is that when we start doing something […]

Detox Salad Recipe

I hope you have had a fabulous and magical holiday with your family and friends! This is one of our favorite salads to eat,  especially after holidays of rich, heavy meals. Many of my clients have made it and loved it. Now, I’m documenting it here so you can refer back to this recipe over […]

Making Healthier Holiday Foods This Season!

Making Healthier Holiday Foods This Season with Nancy addison, nutritionist, organic, heathy, life

I love the tradition of sharing a meal with family and friends on an annual basis. For this reason, Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. The American Thanksgiving is a traditional meal inspired by the pilgrims. The original feast was probably shared sometime in the fall, possibly in October, with the Wampanoag first nation’s […]

Bees and Butterflies Make Our Lives More Beautiful And So Much Healthier

Nancy addison discusses her petition to ban cheicals that are killiing bees, butterflies and destroying the environment.

While I was outdoors walking in the fresh air and sunshine this morning, I was thinking about how much I love all of our wonderful plants, bees, and butterflies. Then I thought about the roses that people are planting now, (called “knock out roses”) that have NO nectar, and thus are starving our precious pollinators […]

The Magic Of Enzymes!

Why eating raw and living goods help you heal, by Nancy Addison, Organic healthy life

The Magic Of Enzymes! It’s all about energy! Live enzymes in food play a crucial role in our health because we have a limited supply of digestive enzymes in our system. When we are young, we have a natural abundance of enzymes. By the time we are elderly, we have lost over half of our […]

Becoming Vegetarian To Lose Weight

Becoming vegetarian to lose weight by Nancy Addison. Article about her journey to optimum health on a vegetarian diet and how you can do it also.

This was a photo of me before I became a vegetarian. It was taken in 1987. I had all kinds of health problems (pre-diabetic, acute anemia, scoliosis, headaches, acid reflux, vision loss, carpal tunnel syndrome, etc.), before becoming a vegetarian to lose weight and try to get healthier. Here I am today, after 30 years […]

Benefits of Being Vegetarian, Amazon Best Seller, “How To Be A Healthy Vegetarian”

Nancy Addison, nutritionist, tells about how to have optimum health with a vegan or vegetarian diet.

Have you ever wondered the benefits of a vegetarian diet or the benefits of being vegetarian? Well best selling author Nancy Addison’s new, second edition of How to Be a Healthy Vegetarian is out now. It’s a Comprehensive Guide to Being A Healthy Vegetarian or Vegan, in Today’s World! This nutrition packed cookbook, has everything […]

Safe & Healthy Tips for Grilling This Summer

Lift your mood naturally, stress remedies, by Nancy Addison, organic healthy life

Safe & Healthy Tips for griling This Summer/ For all of you looking to the weekend or any other fun summer get-togethers, where you are firing up the barbecue grill; it is important to know a few tips to protect you and your friends and family, from the potentially dangerous chemicals that grilling meat can […]

Genetically Modified Foods. Is The US Government Going To Deny Us The Right To Have It Labeled?

  Genetically Modified Foods. Is The US Government Going To Deny Us The Right To Have It Labeled?   This Thursday, Congress is voting on the bill to deny us our rights to have GMO food labeled. t seems so mind boggling to me that congress would enact a law preventing genetically modified foods from […]

The Plight Of Pollinators

save the pollinators, by Nancy Addison, about neonicotinoid poisons and their destruction of the environment.

37 million bees were found dead in Ontario, Canada after neonicotinoid-laced corn seeds were planted in the area.