Holiday Dining

Are you tired of being fat, tired and stressed? Many of the holiday foods, that are so abundant and beautiful, are one of the major reasons, so many of us gain weight and get too tired over the holiday season. We overindulge and probably eat and drink things we don’t normally have. I, for one, […]

Survival Guide to the Holidays! by Nancy Addison

With the holidays upon us, here are my top 7 tips to having more energy, staying well and feeling good; so you can enjoy the holidays with your family and friends! 1. Stay hydrated! Even though they are liquid, sodas and coffee are not hydrating. So, drink lots of water to stay hydrated. Hydration is […]

A Very Veggie Thanksgiving Feast

What do Vegetarians eat for Thanksgiving, is a question I get asked when the fall season arrives. My answer is, we eat all the side dishes that are usually served with the dinner. They are the inviting comfort foods that have a delectable charm to them. I put a few of these favorite holiday recipes […]

Weeds, Dandelions and Your Health!

One person’s weed is another person’s herb. A weed is simply a plant that is not meant to grow in a certain landscaping. But really, the rainforest is one big group of weeds (plants) that are super foods! We need to change how we look at our garden and our health. It is all a […]

Apple Salad Recipe With Crisp Fresh Apples of the Autumn Harvest

Nancy Addison, nutritionist discusses how to prevent disease with diet and lifestyle.

Now is the time to say adios to summer and the abundant summer crops and welcome the fall harvest. Eating seasonally is both economical and healthy. The seasonal bounty of fall fruits and vegetables has great variety from root and vine grown vegetables to fruits of the tree. Apples are one of these fruits and […]

Clean Food And Your Health

Nancy Addison, nutritionist, expands on ways to make the healthiest choices for your health.

I was reading the other day about “clean eating.” My client had asked me, if I knew what it was and I really didn’t. I supposed it is certainly better than eating dirty food! So, I looked it up on line. Apparently it is a term used for non-processed or “fast” food. I guess it […]

Shoot for the Stars!

Nancy Addison, nutritionist, writes award-winning, nutrition cookbooks and shoots for the stars.

A few years ago, I decided to write a book. I dug in and wrote it. It took a long time. It took 5 years! It was a dream and I wanted to try to make it a reality. Sometimes, we have visions of things we want to do; then we talk ourselves out of […]

Metro Cooking Dallas with Nancy Addison

Nancy Addison, nutritionist and celebrity chef, was a speaker at Metro Cooking.

Nancy Addison Discusses  Metro Cooking, Houston and Dallas I just thought I would keep you up on what I am doing this week. I spoke at Metro Cooking Houston last week and it was a really exciting and a fun event.I spoke to the media at a special event and then presented 4 talks on […]

Nancy Addison Speaking at Metro Cooking Houston

Nancy Addison will be speaking at metro cooking in houston on health and nutriton..

I am so excited about speaking this weekend at the Metro Cooking Event in Houston. I am speaking on the Healing Diet, which is for anyone with any kind of ailment or disease. I have 3 different times that you can choose! I am also talking on how to raise your own organic food! That […]

The Healing Diet ( Heart Disease & Diabetes) – Nancy Addison Speaking At Parker University

The Healing Diet ( Heart Disease & Diabetes) - Nancy Addison Speaking At Parker University

I’m teaching classes at Parker University on the Healing Diet. The Healing Diet is a program I have developed and created. It is a lifestyle program for my clients with diabetes, cancer and heart disease. I was asked to teach this program once more at Parker University in Dallas, Texas. I had a wonderful class […]