Chocolate Candy Bark Recipe With Nuts And Fruit – Gluten-free

Chocolate Candy Bark Recipe With Nuts And Fruit - Gluten-free, by Nancy Addison, organic Healthy life

I recently returned from Costa Rica, where cacao is grown, and I brought back some organic cacao and some organic raw, sprouted nuts. I decided to make some dark chocolate candy bark with them to celebrate Valentine’s Day. This is easy to do, and my daughter and I thought it turned out absolutely scrumptious. I […]

Healthier Holiday Foods

Healthier Holiday food, nancy addison, organic healthy life

Even though it is a little harder these days, we have long held the tradition of sharing a meal with family and friends during the holidays. However, many of our holiday foods often involve a number of rich, savory foods, creamy dips and fried foods. These foods taste good, but they don’t always make our […]

Peach Popsicle Recipe – Gluten-free & Vegan

Peach popsicle recipe, gluten-free & vegan, easy recipe by Nancy Addison - Organic Healthy Life

It’s August and it is pretty hot right now in Texas. August is a good time for fresh, tree-ripened peaches! With all the fresh fruit available right now, this is the perfect time to make refreshing, home-made popsicles that are vegan, vegetarian, raw, gluten-free and very hydrating! The great thing about freezing fresh fruit is […]

Healthy Snacks For Children With Nancy Addison and Lisa Pineiro on The Broadcast

Healthy Snacks For Children I was on KTXD TV channel 47, The Broadcast, yesterday with Lisa Pineiro talking about Healthy Children’s Snacks. We were shooting off site at the Parks Mall in Arlington, Tx. Here is the link for the show segment.

Fancy Tomato Salad by Nancy Addison and Maryann De Leo

I love to garden!! I love picking fresh food straight from my garden! I know how healthy it is and what kind of seeds it is grown with. That is so important to me. Who has some wonderful tomatoes from your garden? I love tomatoes and I grew these! Here is one of my favorite […]

Food For The Soul Retreat With Nancy Addison and Charlotte Ammerman in Nicaragua

    Food For The Soul Retreat   As I stood on my balcony tonight, I looked up at the moon and listened to the incredible quiet with just the sound of the ocean waves.   I realized how incredible an experience these last two trips have been for me to Nicaragua. This retreat has […]

“Best Health and Nutrition Book of this Century,” Amazon Review by Gary Massad, M. D. of Nancy Addison’s book: “How To Be A Healthy Vegetarian”

Amazon Reviews of Nancy Addison’s book: “How To Be A Healthy Vegetarian” I was so excited to see such wonderful reviews of my book on Amazon, that I thought I would share them with you! Customer Reviews How to Be a Healthy Vegetarian 10 Reviews 5 star: (10) 4 star: (0) 3 star: (0) 2 […]

Nancy Addison Is Having Rejuvenation Retreats at Redonda Beach, Nicaragua

  I am having a marvelous time at Redonda Beach in Nicaragua. I have enjoyed seeing gorgeous sunrises and sunsets, eating fresh food, meeting fun new people. I have loved it so much, I am going to start having rejuvenation retreats here this spring. I’ll put the information in my next months newsletter! You’ll want […]

Get Healthier, Thicker Hair, Naturally!

Everyone seems to want healthy hair. We want our hair to be growing healthier and thicker naturally. Sometimes we may find too much hair left in our hairbrush or that our hairline is looking a bit farther back than it seemed a few weeks ago. I notice many people these days with balding spots (women […]

Water Quality And Why It Matters

Water is one key nutrient to our health and well-being. Our bodies are about 66–72% water. Blood uses the water to transport oxygen, nutrients, and antibodies to all parts of the body. Many illnesses are actually a result of dehydration. When we feel thirsty, we are already dehydrated. I always drink a glass of pure […]