The Farm Bill And Farm Aid

Maintaining Our Health in Today's World, Nancy Addison, Organic Healthy Life

Leading health and nutrition specialist, award-winning author, and radio show host, Nancy Addison discusses the Farm Bill, Farm Aid, and farming with Richard Kemp, radio show host of KLGD 106.9, in Abilene. TX. They discuss the various components that affect farmers, consumers and the environment. Richard shares some of his insight into what might be […]

53: Ban the Chemical that is Killing Our Bees

Ban The Chemical That is Killing Our Bees and destroying the environment.

Listen to Nancy Addison on the Agri-Business News, Farm & Ranch USA Report, KLGD FM 106.9 theCountryGiant radio show talking about pollinators, honey bees and saving the environment. They expand on the poisons that are decimating the pollinators in the world. To sign Nancy’s petition for outlawing these toxins, click here for the link. Nancy’s website: Nancy […]

Organic Food, The US, Our Health And The Farm Bill

Our health depends on the quality of our food. Nancy Addison, nutritionist, discusses the US, food quality, ,the farm bill and more with Richard Kemp with the Farm And Ranch Report from Texas.

Renegade nutritionist, award-winning author and radio show host- Nancy Addison talks with Radio Show Host (KLDG The Country Giant), Richard Kemp, about the farm bill, genetically modified foods, farming practices, large corporations, requirements for organic designation, local food, organic farming and much, much more! What is happening in the US today and why? Why are […]

Genetically Modified Foods. Is The US Government Going To Deny Us The Right To Have It Labeled?

  Genetically Modified Foods. Is The US Government Going To Deny Us The Right To Have It Labeled?   This Thursday, Congress is voting on the bill to deny us our rights to have GMO food labeled. t seems so mind boggling to me that congress would enact a law preventing genetically modified foods from […]

Clean Food And Your Health

Nancy Addison, nutritionist, expands on ways to make the healthiest choices for your health.

I was reading the other day about “clean eating.” My client had asked me, if I knew what it was and I really didn’t. I supposed it is certainly better than eating dirty food! So, I looked it up on line. Apparently it is a term used for non-processed or “fast” food. I guess it […]

Why Organic and Why Should We Care?

Nancy Addison, nutritionist, expands on ways to make the healthiest choices for your health.

Most of the time I want to stay light and only talk about good and positive things, but now and then, I feel I have to say something about what is going on in the world that may not be quite as upbeat. This one concerns our food supply and our fragile eco system. I […]