5 Self-Improvement Tips for the COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery

If you’ve suffered from setbacks during the COVID-19 pandemic, you’re not alone. Almost everyone has faced unexpected challenges over the past year and a half.  But with the recovery well underway, you can finally re-enter the world as your best self and get ready to reconnect with your social circle.  With guidance from Organic Healthy […]

Wild Animal Rescue In South Africa

Nancy Addison talks with Panthera Africa founder about their animal rehabilitation center for large cats in South Africa. They discuss the problems with endangered wild animals in Africa and what we can all do to help.

Leading health and environmental specialist, radio show host, and award-winning author Nancy Addison discusses animal rescues with Catherine S. Nyquist, also known as “Cat.” Cat was a typical business woman with degrees in business and finance from Oslo, Norway. She co-founded “Panthera Africa” in South Africa after finding out how desperate the situation was in Africa for large […]