Survival Guide to the Holidays! by Nancy Addison

With the holidays upon us, here are my top 7 tips to having more energy, staying well and feeling good; so you can enjoy the holidays with your family and friends! 1. Stay hydrated! Even though they are liquid, sodas and coffee are not hydrating. So, drink lots of water to stay hydrated. Hydration is […]

Meditation by Nancy Addison

Meditation By Nancy Addison CHC, AADP I have been a regular guest speaker at Parker University. I teach nutrition and “The Healing Diet” for Dr. Michael Hall’s class. Part of my talk concerned stress. I taught them a 3-minute meditation to help them cut down on stress and actually regenerate their own stem cells. They […]

Quinoa Salad with Pecans and Cranberries

Quinoa Salad with Pecans and Cranberries From the Natural Epicurean Academy of Culinary Arts Last week I spent some time teaching nutrition at the Natural Epicurean Academy in Austin, Texas. I had a marvelous time and tasted some delicious food while I was there! Here is a ymmy recipe that I received from them […]

Hungry for Change

Nancy Addison,discusses healing foods and their properties for optimum health

I know I was hungry for change, when I was sick and overweight. Great title! My friend sent me this link to view the film: Hungry for Change. It was excellant. I have everything they talked about in the movie, in my book! It made me feel so good about what I put in my […]

Clean Food And Your Health

Nancy Addison, nutritionist, expands on ways to make the healthiest choices for your health.

I was reading the other day about “clean eating.” My client had asked me, if I knew what it was and I really didn’t. I supposed it is certainly better than eating dirty food! So, I looked it up on line. Apparently it is a term used for non-processed or “fast” food. I guess it […]

Metro Cooking Dallas with Nancy Addison

Nancy Addison, nutritionist and celebrity chef, was a speaker at Metro Cooking.

Nancy Addison Discusses  Metro Cooking, Houston and Dallas I just thought I would keep you up on what I am doing this week. I spoke at Metro Cooking Houston last week and it was a really exciting and a fun event.I spoke to the media at a special event and then presented 4 talks on […]

Nancy Addison Speaking at Metro Cooking Houston

Nancy Addison will be speaking at metro cooking in houston on health and nutriton..

I am so excited about speaking this weekend at the Metro Cooking Event in Houston. I am speaking on the Healing Diet, which is for anyone with any kind of ailment or disease. I have 3 different times that you can choose! I am also talking on how to raise your own organic food! That […]

The Healing Diet ( Heart Disease & Diabetes) – Nancy Addison Speaking At Parker University

The Healing Diet ( Heart Disease & Diabetes) - Nancy Addison Speaking At Parker University

I’m teaching classes at Parker University on the Healing Diet. The Healing Diet is a program I have developed and created. It is a lifestyle program for my clients with diabetes, cancer and heart disease. I was asked to teach this program once more at Parker University in Dallas, Texas. I had a wonderful class […]

Water Quality And Why It Matters

The Best Way To Stay Hydrated For Optimum Health , by Nancy Addison, Organic Healthy Life

Water is one key nutrient to our health and well-being. Our bodies are about 66–72% water. Blood uses the water to transport oxygen, nutrients, and antibodies to all parts of the body. Many illnesses are actually a result of dehydration. When we feel thirsty, we are already dehydrated. I always drink a glass of pure […]

How To Be a Healthy Vegetarian: The Healthy Vegetarian Guide and Recipe Book

Finally, “How to be a Healthy Vegetarian!” Both the health care provider and lay person have an easy to understand resource in reversing the course of preventable disease. Increasing lifespan and quality of daily activities through better decision-making in daily dietary choices is a recipe easily afforded in this time. This book has been endorsed […]