Dr. Bill McGraw & Nancy Addison Discussing Mercury Toxicity, Video

Dr. Bill Mcgraw, transcript of interview by Nancy addison, organichealthy Life, discussing mercury and our health

  Dr. McGraw’s book on Mercury – Amazon. Dr. Bill McGraw’s website: https://thefishsite.com/contributors/dr-bill-and-gladys-mcgraw   You can reach her on her website, Organic Healthy Life .com, or find easy, healthy recipes in Nancy’s books (which are half cookbook). Here is her author page on Amazon. Author.to/nancyaddison Nancy’s social media links: Twitter – Nancygaddison https://twitter.com/nancygaddison Linked In […]

Artificial Sweetener, Aspartame – Is It Good Or Bad?

Sugar is also a key ingredient in numerous traditional holiday foods, and the holidays are just around the corner!Many of us want to keep the sugar down to a minimum and also keep our waistlines at a manageable size.As a result, many folks are using synthetic sweeteners to sweeten their drinks due to the impression it […]