Barb Webb & Nancy Addison Discuss; Hemp, CBD, & Medicinal Gardening

Barb Webb, medicinal gardening and rural living, with nancy addison, organic healthy life

Barb Webb is a sustainable living expert nesting in Appalachian Kentucky. When she’s not chasing chickens around the farm or engaging in mock Jedi battles, she’s writing about country living and artisan culture. Born under the earth sign, Taurus, she arrived in the world ready to start nurturing, digging and planting! She believes Irish cuisine […]

How Cannabis Can Affect Your Mental Health?

How Cannabis affects your mental health, Photo by Michael Fischer

For years marijuana has been popular among various communities as a drug that people consume for pleasure. But the various studies that put Marijuana in focus backed the medical benefits one can obtain from using the same. Today with legalization, steps such licensed sale of medical marijuana and the online availability of Cannabis seeds in […]

Information & Research About Hemp Oil (Also Known As – CBD Oil)

CBD oil and how it may be beneficial to your health

Recently, I’ve had many people ask me about CBD oil and hemp oil and specifically, what are the health benefits of both? Surprisingly, the questions have come from clients and an Oncologist. To find the answers, I recently went to California and Houston to meet with doctors and scientist who have been studying it. I […]

The Benefits Of Hemp or CBD Oil?

CBD oil and how it may be beneficial to your health

Leading health specialist, best-selling, award-winning author, and radio show host, Nancy Addison discusses ways to obtain more optimum health. She addresses hemp oil, also known as CBD oil, healing supplements and how they affect cancer and  our health. Nancy talks about foods and daily routines that can also make a difference in health, healing, boosting the […]

How To Sleep And Rest Better

How To Sleep And Rest Better by Nancy Addison, organic healthy life

Sleep can become a problem in today’s high paced, stressed-out world. It’s World Sleep Day, and so I’m addressing a vital part of our lives and our well-being. I’ve heard more and more people of all ages tell me how they can’t get to sleep, and that they  have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. […]