Wheatgrass – The Health Benefits

Wheatgrass health benefits, by nancy addison, Organic Healthy Life

The amazing healing benefits of wheatgrass were brought to the public’s attention by Dr. Ann Wigmore in The Wheatgrass Book: How to Grow and Use Wheatgrass to Maximize Your Health and Vitality. When I started learning about cleansing approximately 30 years ago, I learned about the positive effects that grasses have on our body. I […]

Health Benefits Of Magnesium

As I have researched health and nutrition during the past 33 years, I continue to encounter the incredible healing power of magnesium. Magnesium is a trace mineral necessary for hundreds of bodily functions. Studies show that a deficiency of magnesium has been linked to diabetes, migraines, allergies, anxiety, asthma, attention deficit disorder, calcification of soft […]

Kombucha Recipe And It’s Health Benefits For The Immune System

Kombucha recipe and it's health benefits for the immune system.

I made a fresh batch of Kombucha today! You can purchase kombucha at the healthy grocery store, but I find it easy and kind of fun to make at home. Here is my recipe for homemade kombucha. Why would you want to drink kombucha? Kombucha is a naturally fermented liquid. This fermentation process creates healthy bacteria, […]