B Vitamins

Although all nutrients and minerals are important for optimum health, there are a few nutrients that are critical to health. One of those nutrients is the Vitamin B complex. Are you getting enough? A national survey for nutrition and health reported  the US population is on average anywhere from 3% to 6% low in the […]

46: South Africa, Organic Plants, Problems Around The World Concerning The Environment And Conservation

Rare South African plants have some unique, heirloom plants with vitamins that can be very healing. Nancy talks about the rare palnts with botanist Zoe.

Renegade nutritionist, leading health specialist, radio show host, award-winning author Nancy Addison discusses rare South African plants with Zoë Chapman Poulsen, a botanist in South Africa. Zoe and Nancy talk about healing properties, nutrients and qualities of plants. They also discuss the situation of indigenous plants around the world in regards to the use of herbicides, protection […]