Merry Christmas And Happy Holiday Wishes

Merry Christmas And Happy Holiday Wishes From My Family To Yours! nancy addison, organic healthy life

Merry Christmas And Happy Holiday Wishes from my family to yours. May all the joys of this beautiful holiday season be yours! One of my favorite things to do at Christmas time is to make my house smell Christmas-y!!! Recipe Easy home aromatherapy and healthy air! Ingredients and Directions Simply put about 4 cups of […]

Merry Christmas And Happy Holiday Wishes From My Family To Yours!

Merry Christmas And Happy Holiday Wishes From My Family To Yours! nancy addison, organic healthy life

Merry Christmas And Happy Holiday Wishes from my family to yours. May all the joys of this beautiful holiday season be yours! One of my favorite things to do at Christmas time is to make my house smell Christmas-y!!! Here is the recipe for making my home smell Christmas-y! Recipe Easy home aromatherapy and healthy […]

Holiday Aromatherapy For Your Home

May all the joys of this beautiful holiday season be yours! One of my favorite things to do at this time is to make my house smell Christmas-y!!   Simply but a pot of water on the stove and throw in a couple of whole cinnamon sticks, 1/4 cup of whole cloves, a couple of […]

Rosemary For Remembrance

  Rosemary For Remembrance By Nancy Addison CHC, AADP I used to give my children rosemary to put in their pockets when they were leaving for school. I wanted them to think of me during the day at school. If my children were stressed or anything, they could reach in their pocket and have a […]