Air Decontamination Machine – Kills Virus, Mold, Bacteria, Fungi and Odor

You may be concerned about Ebola and other viruses spreading, it is a good time to get an air decontamination machine to make your home and your workplace safer. ODOROX® technology is the advanced solution for eliminating odors, decontaminating surfaces and purifying the air in your home, office or RV. Designed and built by HGI […]

Holistic Help With Allergies – Holistic Nutrition Expert and Author – Nancy Addison – Talks With Suzie Humphrey’s On The Broadcast

Last Tuesday I was on The Broadcast, KTXD-TV, talking about alternative help when you are experiencing allergies. Suzie is so funny. I love being interviewed by her. Here is the segment. I’d love to know what you think! >Click here to see the segment.