Suzie Humphreys’ Healthy Greek Salad Recipe

My friend Suzie makes the best Greek salad!

Suzie Humphries' healthy, gluten-free, vegetarian Greek Salad recipe
She generously gave me the recipe for my 6 time,  international award-winning bookbook,

How To Be A Healthy Vegetarian.” 2nd edition

I am sharing this marvelous salad with you!


1 c. romaine lettuce, torn in bite-sized pieces

1 cucumber, peeled, seeded, and chopped

1 red pepper, seeded and chopped

1⁄4 c. red onion, cut into small, thin silvers

1⁄4 c. black olives

1⁄4 c. green onions

1 stalk celery, chopped

1 tomato, chopped

3⁄4 c. feta cheese

La Martinique salad dressing


1. Toss all ingredients together with salad dressing.


Substitute another vinaigrette salad dressing for La Martinique dressing.

Nancy Addison is a certified health counselor, nutritionist, chef, as well as a certified practitioner of Psychosomatic Therapy. She teaches people about living a healthier, happier life through nutrition and lifestyle. She has appeared on NBC, Fox, CBS, and in documentaries (one example- “Eating You Alive”).
You can reach her on her website, Organic Healthy Life, or find more easy, healthy recipes in Nancy’s books. Here is her author page on Amazon.
The information from Nancy Addison and Organic Healthy Lifestyle LLC is not offered for the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of any disease or disorder nor have any statements herein been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). We strongly encourage you to discuss topics of concern with your health care provider.
Medical Disclaimer: Information provided in this article, book, podcast, website, email, etc. is for informational purposes only. The information is a result of years of practice and experience by Nancy Addison CHC, AADP. However, this information is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional, or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging.

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