Solving Indoor Airborne Disease Transmission Problems

You may be concerned about the Ebola and other viruses spreading, it is a good time to get an air decontamination machine to make your home and your workplace safer.Air Purification System Air quality is a serious problem today. It can cause all kinds of problems like asthma or allergies, etc.
With many of the buildings we live and work in being closed up and sealed, it makes matters worse. Indoor air pollution is about 500 times worse than outdoor air. That is even more alarming considering that the air quality outside is so polluted that many cities have to warn you about going outside to exercise.    
With Ozone alerts, chemtrails, pollen in the air, it seems to be getting worse and worse.
The pestilences swarming hospitals worldwide are ever-mutating super-bacteria like MRSA and C- Diff. NV is a highly infective virion (virus), and studies have shown that you only need one NV virion to get infected. Many infection prevention specialists continue to be thwarted in reducing these pathogen’s infection rates because the current guidelines are to wash your hands and to wear gloves and a gown in order to have protected contact with patients, all of which do not directly address airborne disease transmission.  

I went to Florida, where I was researching an air purifier that works like nature and can clean indoor air using no chemicals.        
I have known about indoor air quality problems for many years because my ex-husband was always doing air quality environmental impact studies for his clients. (He is an environmental trial lawyer).So, I always had new filters and heap filters and all kinds of air purifiers.       
Well, those are fine for taking out particles, but they don’t really purify the air of fungus, mold, bacteria or viruses. In fact, the air conditioning system will pull in the polluted air from outdoors and recirculate it. The filters will only clean out particles, so the air goes through it like sand through a tennis racket, with bacteria, mold, fungus or bacteria getting through it.      
In fact, Penn State. conducted a study that found that it only took about 8 hours for tuberculosis-infected person’s germs to spread to the tenth floor of an office building with the way the air conditioning system works normally. Which could spread this disease with a 33 % infection rate. (1)      
With the way our air conditioning systems work, they create a mold problem, the spread of disease and bacteria, etc. in our normal everyday indoor environments.       
In 1970, Leeds University discovered hydroxyls, which help clean our outdoor air. This job of cleaning the air had been previously (and presently) mistakenly attributed to ozone, which can be toxic to lungs and deteriorate lungs, fabrics, plastics, etc.)        
Hydroxyls are Hydrogen and Oxygen. One H and one O, which are high on the PH scale and literally overpower the bacteria, mold, virus and fungi, which are lower on the PH Scale. They have found hydroxyls completely safe and harmless. Hydroxyls only exist in outdoor environments, which is why indoor environments have worse air quality than outdoors.       
This air purifier, which I have recently discovered mimics nature and actually puts hydroxyls in the indoor environment creating a cleaning system that is like putting an immune system in the indoor environment.       I loved it so much; I spent two days with a scientist there having him explain it to me in detail.  I saw the test scores of them having it test the worst strain of black mold, staph infection, influenza, etc. Within a matter of 4 to 24 hours these strains had been reduced to 99.9999 percent in the air and on hard and soft (like sheets or towels) fabrics.       
Eighty percent of what they clean out of air ducts is human skin we have shed. We shed about five hundred skin cells a minute. With this system, it is cut down to 1 %.           
Also, Air systems are only set up to provide about 20 liters of air per hour per person. When we actually need 833 liters of air per person per hour. When we are in an indoor environment that is sealed up, by afternoon, we can feel very tired, because our lungs are working so hard to get enough oxygen.  This system makes the oxygen much more bioavailable.  So, our lungs are working so hard.      
Another thing I learned is how they measure particles now in our environment. For instance, when we use the toilet, they now know, because they can measure it, that the nature of how the toilet works, it creates a “fecal cloud” whenever it is used and/or flushed. It can be spread out through the air conditioning system just like the tuberculosis was in the ten-story building.
So, if a person has a virus, like Sars, and he uses his hotel bathroom, (just like the doctor at the Hong Kong hotel where he was staying) the virus can and was spread through the hotel, simply by nature of the air conditioning system. The people, who became infected, simply walked down a hallway and either got it by simply being in the hotel and walking down the hallway.  82% of all disease is received through our nose or our eyes.       
Studies show that a hospital room bathroom ‘s fecal cloud will spread out 6 rooms in each direction because of the nature of the toilet and the air conditioning system. So it ‘s no wonder so many people get sick while visiting or being in a hospital with so many sick people. We can assume that the same would be true of a hotel room or dorm room.   
When a hospital toilet flushes aerosolize germs are sent out – airborne to soar around and infect their next victim(s) because bathrooms are designed backward.
Oxygen being our main nutrient we absolutely need on a continual basis. With this system, the hydroxyls would be continually killing those bacteria, virus, mold and fungi in the air, on hard and soft surfaces.
We obtain 82 percent of disease through our nose and eyes. So, it doesn’t matter how clean our hands are if we are breathing in air that is contaminated with virus, bacteria, mold or fungi.       
With the new chemicals today, most homes are making people sick. The particleboard, paint, carpet, dry cleaning solutions, cleaning fluids, etc. are putting out toxins in our air on a continual basis. This system will continually put out hydroxyls that will work at eliminating them in the air, on hard and soft surfaces and make the oxygen more bioavailable. As well as eliminate odor.       

There are systems you can put into your own air duct system or there are smaller units that are transportable for apartments, RV’s, offices, hotel rooms, factory facilities, locker rooms, schools, hospitals, etc.       
I think this is better than an oxygen tank, because it isn’t flammable and you don’t need a prescription to get one.     
It is a great air purification system that I love because it is chemical-free and not too expensive and it can help in so many ways with our health and health of our environment.
Here are the results of the test from the company: Representative OrganismsAntimicrobial efficacy against Staphylococcus aureus is frequently required by the U.S. EPA and is identified as a “reference bacterium” for Gram-positive bacterium for testing purposes.
Similarly, antimicrobial efficacy against Pseudomonas aeruginosa is frequently required by the U.S EPA as a representative pathogen of clinical importance, which is often associated with hospital-acquired infections. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a “reference bacterium” for Gram-negative bacterium for testing purposes.In the food processing area, another important representative pathogen is the Gram-negative bacterium Escherichia coli. Mold is a much tougher organism to kill when compared to bacteria organisms.
Aspergillus niger is considered one of the most resilient fungal strains and is identified by the EPA as a “reference organism” for testing purposes on the Mold group. We chose these organisms to test in an independent lab to demonstrate ODOROX® technologies’ ability to kill the toughest “reference” organisms knowing it would show a likelihood of being effective on similar organisms in the same area of reference. Complete test results are listed and linked below.
Representative OrganismsInfluenza type A viruses are the most dangerous human pathogens among the influenza types and cause the most severe disease. Influenza epidemics result in 250,000 to 500,000 deaths globally each year. Listeria monocytogenes is a gram-positive, rod-shaped bacterium responsible for listeriosis, a lethal food-borne infection that has a devastating fatality rate of 25% (Salmonella, in comparison, has a less than 1% mortality rate). It is incredibly hardy and able to grow in temperatures ranging from 39°F (4°C) to 99°F (37°C).C.difficile is a spore-forming, gram-positive bacillus that causes potentially life-threatening colitis. Its spores can survive outside the human body for months on surfaces including bedrails, commodes, bedpans, thermometers, wheelchairs, endoscopes, bathing tubs, and the hands of health care workers.
Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) is a small, enveloped RNA virus that causes a disease of pigs. This economically important pandemic causes reproductive failure in breeding stock and respiratory tract illness. The PRRS virus cost the US swine industry in excesses of $560 million in losses each year. Official Lab DocumentsClick on any link to view the report. You will need Adobe Acrobat to see the reports.


  1. “Spread of Disease in Office Buildings.” Penn State University.  College of Engineering.

ODOROX® equipment can be used to solve any indoor air problem. These systems harness green technology to provide the most effective and efficient solution to eliminate odors, decontaminate surfaces and clean the air. From residential and commercial to industrial and agricultural applications, the ODOROX® line is up to the challenge.Eliminate & Destroy Mold, Odors, Viruses, Bacteria & VOCs

No fumes, no harsh chemicals. ODOROX® technology is 100% green, non-toxic technology that can be safely used around humans and animals while scrubbing the air of biological and chemical contaminants.ODOROX® technology is the advanced solution for eliminating odors, decontaminating surfaces and purifying the air in your home, office or RV. Designed and built by HGI Industries, Inc., ODOROX® technology is a patented, chemical-free process that converts ambient moisture in the air into atmospheric hydroxyl radicals.

ODOROX® hydroxyls flood the room and penetrate fabrics, porous materials and anywhere air molecules can reach to seek and destroy odor molecules, bacteria, viruses, molds and other fungus species, as well as,Volatile Organic Chemicals (VOCs). ODOROX® Technology aligns with the principles and teachings of Dr. Tennant’s Healing is Voltage.How

Does ODOROX® Technology Work?

Through years of field testing, HGI has developed a patented process that mimics Mother Nature by safely generating hydroxyl molecules indoors.Processing Chamber

Contaminated air is directed into the chamber where ambient humidity and multiple nanometer wavelengths combine to create an oxidizing formula and produce hydroxyls. The quartz crystal optics is finely tuned to deodorize air flow, eradicate bacteria and other microorganisms, and produce hydroxyl molecules. The purified air is recycled back into the environment along with hydroxyls to further decontaminate surfaces and contents.Atmospheric hydroxyl radicals are continuously produced by the action of the sun’s radiated energy on water vapor in our atmosphere.

There are, on average, two (2) million hydroxyls in each cubic centimeter of ambient outdoor air during daylight hours. They are the main driving force behind the daytime reactions with hydrocarbons in the troposphere and neutralize most natural and man-made pollutants including greenhouse gases like methane, hydrogen sulfide and ozone.Atmospheric hydroxyls are also proven to kill bacteria, virus, and mold because they are able to react with the lipids and proteins in the cell membrane and disrupt their structure. The interior contents of the cells leak and the organism is destroyed.

Conversely, humans, animals and plants have tougher, much more complex exterior surfaces that are essentially impervious to the effect of free radicals and have developed symbiotically with atmospheric hydroxyl radicals and thrive in their presence. Atmospheric hydroxyls are a critical component of nature’s dynamic ability to provide environments that are free of harmful chemicals and pathogens. (D. E. Heard, “Analytical Techniques for Atmospheric Measurement”, Blackwell Publishing, 2006 – professor at the University of Leeds, UK).Hydroxyl Radical Sanitization ProcessThe HGI Odorox® irradiation process is fundamentally very simple. Multi-nanometer spectrum UV irradiation of various wavelengths interacts with the oxygen which generates a variety of reactive oxygen species, which remove a hydrogen atom from water vapor to generate atmospheric hydroxyl radicals (HO·).

Ozone, one of the reactive oxygen species formed in the reaction chamber, is rapidly decomposed by UV energy to also generated hydroxyl radicals. Therefore ozone is both created and destroyed in the HGI process. HGI’s Odorox® optics reaction chamber design and active process controls result in an effective commercially viable production of atmospheric hydroxyls within the same range as those found in nature.

The HGI Odorox® hydroxyl radicals are highly reactive and excellent radical transfer agents. They rapidly react with microorganisms and with nearly every organic chemical available. They remove a hydrogen atom and form a cascade of organic radicals that is further oxidized to form peroxy (R-C- O-O·) and oxy (R-C-O·) free radicals, which are also good oxidizing and sanitizing agents. These by- products are stable enough to circulate under the influence of high velocity fans to completely sanitize air, surfaces and porous fabrics in even exceptionally large spaces.Atmospheric hydroxyl radicals and their by-products are unstable species which do not linger in the air or on surfaces. As long as theOdorox® system is running, the chain reactions persist.

When the system is shut off, the hydroxyl radicals and other free radicals dissipate within seconds.Effect on Microorganisms and GerminationHGI Industries has completed a number of microbiological studies to evaluate the speed and effectiveness of their systems to eliminate a broad range of pathogens on non-porous / porous surfaces and on plant material. Results from a licensed testing laboratory, using pathogens commonly tracked by the EPA as representative of their type, indicated that substantially all of the following microorganisms were killed on stainless steel, glass andcotton fabric respectively, within the specified times summarized below.︎ C. difficile – 99.8% and 98.6% within 48 hoursListeria – 94.7% and 98.6% within 48 hoursAspergillus niger – 99.9% and 97% within 48 hoursPorcine Reproductive Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) virus – 97.9% within 6 hoursPseudomonas aeruginosa – 91.9% within 4 hours

Influenza A virus – 99.98% and 99.9% within 6 hoursMethicillin Resistant Staph. Aureus (MRSA) – 65.1% and 94.4% within 48 hours. Recent studies on the reduction of bacterial and fungal pathogens on plant material from raw and sprouted barley processing were also conducted. Random samples of raw barley and fresh barley sprouts (removed in the processing of sprouted barley) were exposed to Odorox® atmospheric hydroxyls and their by-products from an MVP14TM unit over a period of 2 to 96 hours.

Kill rates in excess of 99.9% were measured by a licensed testing laboratory for the following pathogens. No fungal growth was isolated on any samples after 6 hours of treatment with respect to the raw sprouted barley product.Sprouted Barley Product: (plant material was stirred every two hours and appeared unchanged)Aspergillus niger
Candida krusei
Trichosporum beigeliiRhodotorula glutinousAcinetobacter baumanniiEnterobacter agglomeransEnterobacter clocaeBacillus sp. Raw Barley product: (plant material was not stirred)Pantoea Agglomerans
Acinetobacter Baumanni
Bacillus SP
Psuedomonas Fluorescens
Penicullium Citrinum, Mucor SP
Fusarium SP
Afusarium SP
Aspergillus Flavus Group (GRP)
Aspergillus Niger GRP
Syncephalastrum SP (Zygomycete)Pithomyces

Note that the hydroxyl radical does not react with carbon dioxide and would thus not interfere with normal plant respiration.

Hydroxyl radicals would however, react rapidly with plant respiration by- products like ethylene and neutralize them, which is beneficial.SafetyAs a category, the FDA does not regulate or require premarket 510(k) approval for UV irradiation air cleaning devices – such as HGI’s – since they irradiate ambient air and sanitize in a manner similar to that found in nature.

The safety standard of systems that preferentially produce atmospheric hydroxyls was established in 2005 when NASA developed a hydroxyl generating system using a titanium dioxide catalyst for use on the space shuttle that was subsequently commercialized as the Abracair system. They obtained approval to use the system for the reduction of aerosolized mold and bacteria in hospitals, nursing homes and medical facilities – including neonatal nurseries, hospitals and operating rooms – without formal 510(k) premarket approval (510k #K052732, Abracair Models QTZ300-60 and -24, notification in compliance with the Safe Medical Device Act of 1990, CFR, Part 807.92 , Feb. 7, 2006,

The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences searched the NIH files, PubMed and the National Library of Medicine and “cannot find any hard science or research indicating that hydroxyl radical generation is harmful to human health. That applies to both atmospheric and man-made generation” (Colleen Chandler, NIEHS Office of Communications and Public Liaison, 8-5-10).

Further, at HGI’s request, the CDC, FDA, OSHA and NIH researched their databases and did not find any data indicating that atmospheric hydroxyls were unsafe. None of these agencies indicated that their approval was required for commercial use. Hydroxyl systems have been in use for over ten years and no adverse effects have been reported.

Extensive toxicology studies conducted by HGI at an independent testing laboratory, using the FDA’s rigorous testing protocol called Good Laboratory Practices (GLP), has shown that exposure to hydroxyl radicals and the associated oxidation by-products is safe. The study results indicated that the test animals tolerated the exposure well with no abnormal clinical observations.

Green Technology at Work® Odorox,

For more information and order:
My favorite unit is the Slimline.


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Nancy Addison’s 6 international award-winning books can be seen on her author page on Amazon. Here is the link:
Nancy Addison is a certified health counselor, nutritionist, chef, as well as a certified practitioner of Psychosomatic Therapy. She teaches people about living a healthier, happier life through nutrition and lifestyle. She has appeared on NBC, Fox, CBS, and in documentaries (one example- “Eating You Alive”). You can reach her on her website, Organic Healthy Life, or find easy, healthy recipes in Nancy’s books. Here is her author page on Amazon.
The information from Nancy Addison and Organic Healthy Lifestyle LLC is not offered for the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of any disease or disorder nor have any statements herein been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). We strongly encourage you to discuss topics of concern with your health care provider.
Medical Disclaimer: Information provided in this article, book, podcast, website, email, etc. is for informational purposes only. The information is a result of years of practice and experience by Nancy Addison CHC, AADP. However, this information is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professionals, or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging.
Limits of Liability and Disclaimer of Warranty
The author and publisher are not liable for the misuse of this material. This article, website and books are strictly for informational and educational purposes. Nancy Addison offers information and opinions, not a substitute for professional medical prevention, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with your physician, pharmacist, or healthcare provider before taking any home remedies or supplements, or following any treatment suggested by Nancy Addison or by anyone listed in the books, articles, or other information contained here. Only your healthcare provider, personal physician, or pharmacist can provide you with advice on what is safe and effective for your unique needs or diagnose your particular medical history.

1 thoughts on “Solving Indoor Airborne Disease Transmission Problems

  1. Maria M says:

    thank you nancy for this blogs this can be help with me a lot . have a good day and keep posting some helpful things like this.. thank you Nancy.

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