Salt And Your Health

Is There Good Salt And Bad Salt? by Nancy Addison, organic healthy life

Salt is so controversial these days and I hear people say regularly, that they don’t use salt.

Salt is seen by many organizations, such as the American Heart Association, as an unhealthy substance. What I’m going to expand on in this article, is why it’s controverial and also which ones are actually beneficial for your health and well-being.

According to Dr. David Brownstein, a leading thyroid expert, we actually salt to live a healthy life! Many physicians think it is the cause of hypertension and other chronic health disorders. However, according to Dr. Brownstein, author of Salt Your Way to Health, “those criticizing salt have no knowledge of the difference between unrefined and refined salt. It is important to include healthy unrefined salt in your diet and to avoid refined table salt.”(1)

Most of us grew up using white refined, processed salt. White refined table salt is 98 percent sodium chloride with added bicarbonates, chemicals, sugar, and preservatives. Companies don’t have to divulge many of the ingredients in the salt on the label. Iodine is added to many refined salts. Iodine dissipates after being exposed to oxygen, so this is not a reliable source of iodine. Iodine is the main nutrient that sup- ports our thyroid gland. White refined table salt is also lacking in numerous minerals that are in whole, natural sea salt. Many food sources today are lacking in vital dense minerals and nutrients. Soils are depleted, and refining and processing take out many or all of the nutrients in the foods. When we sweat, our body can lose many of the minerals that are in natural, unrefined, whole sea salt, and these minerals need to be replenished. Sea salt can also help balance the body by alkalizing it. Salt is alkalizing to the body. Our pH balance is important to our health. Salt cravings are actually a sign that you may be depleted in nutrients, minerals, and electrolytes. Salt cravings can also be a sign that your thyroid

Salt and adrenal glands are in need of minerals. If you have been craving salt or have been under a good deal of stress, it may be a good idea to have your thyroid checked to make sure you are getting enough iodine in your diet. We don’t have many food sources for iodine, and it can be extremely important to our health.

Peter Ferreira conducted a two-year study of over 400 people using crystal salt. He found many benefits. In a lecture on September 8, 2001, titled “Water and Salt,” he said that some benefits of ingesting crystal unrefined salt instead of refined white table salt are that it:

“Eliminates calcium deposits. Increases usable oxygen in blood. Unclumps red blood cells. Detoxifies blood.

Balances blood pressure.

Contains the full spectrum of elements that resonates with our bones and enzyme and builds bone marrow.

Neutralizes radiation (which is why nuclear waste is put into salt mines).

Makes capillaries more elastic and increases blood flow.

Adds extra electrons to the body, which are free radical scavengers.

(Electrons attach to free radicals and eliminate them. Otherwise the free radicals would contribute to hardening of the arteries and capillaries.)

Balances energy field.

Offers entire spectrum of electrolytes that the body needs.

Helps neutralize uric acid and isolated sodium chloride.

Brine water made from whole Crystal Salt has been shown to increase elimination of heavy metals through the stools.

Reduces cravings for sweets.” (2)

According to a study conducted in Rotterdam, Netherlands, and reported in the British Medical Journal in 1994, of 100 men and women between the ages of 55 and 75 who had mild to moderate hypertension, when common table (refined) salt was replaced with mineral salt high in magnesium and potassium, a reduction in blood pres- sure occurred that was equivalent to blood pressure– reducing drugs. (3)

Use high-quality, mineral-rich sea salts instead of the refined types of white table salt.

“Whole food salts have been known to enhance health in various ways through their balanced content of minerals and trace elements. Crystal Salt is by far the most beneficial of all whole food salts because of its unique crystalline structure and the resulting life force enhancing effects. Millions of years of extreme pressure and heat have transformed sea salt into a crystalline powerhouse of life energy that far exceeds the benefits of even highest quality unrefined sea salt. In a time of widespread mineral and life energy depletion, Crystal Salt is one of the most potent measures to attain radiant health and well-being.” (4)

In conclusion, it is not that salt is bad for us; it is the type and quality of salt that is either good or bad for us.


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Alive and Cooking:
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1. Dr. David Brownstein, “Salt Your Way To Health.”

2. Hendel, Barbara, and Peter Ferriera, “Water and Salt: The Essence of Life – The Healing Power of Nature,” Natural Resources, January 1, 2003.

3. “Reduction in Blood Pressure with a Low Sodium, High Potassium, High Magne- sium Salt in Older Subjects with Mild to Moderate Hypertension,” British Medi- cal Journal 301: 436–40, content/309/6952/436.

4. Christian Opitz, www.organiclivingfood. com/Products/CrystalBathSalt.html.

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Information provided in this podcast, blog, article, video is for informational purposes only. The information is a result of years of practice and experience by Nancy Addison CHC. However, this information is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional, or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging.
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