Remedy For Constipation & Irregularity – For Your Well-being

Constipation, Irregularity, intestinal integrity, Gut Health, And Well-being, by Nancy Addison, nutritionist.

Recently I had someone ask me about constipation. He said, “I have had terrible constipation and I can’t seem to get it resolved.
Please give me some advice.”

So,  my answer is: This is a very important subject to address.

If your body is not eliminating wastes efficiently after each meal, there may be some blockage in the intestinal tract. This can be a serious health problem which should be addressed immediately. I feel most health problems are a result of the blockages in the intestinal tract.

Anyone who has been a consumer of processed foods, fried foods, trans fats, or meat may have blockages, plaque, or debris lodged in the colon. After years and years of eating meals that have not been completely digested or moved out of the body, layers and layers of waste have possibly built up in the intestinal tract.

The intestinal tract is where you are supposed to absorb most of your nutrition, and it’s where a major part of the immune system resides. If this is blocked up, the immune system is not able to work effectively and you may not be able to absorb the nutrition you need.

Natalia Rose, a New York clinical nutritionist, says that if you wake up in the morning, have a bowel movement, pull in your gut, and it is almost to your spine, then you have an empty and clean intestine. If you cannot do this, then your intestines are full of undigested waste stuck in the tissues like cement.

Master colon therapist Gil Jacobs explains that a laxative will do nothing for the normal person who is eating fairly well, except release the very newest waste, and then drive the older waste deeper into the tissue and make it harder to remove. The laxative will irritate the bowels.

Both Gil Jacobs and Natalia Rose believe in colonic cleansing, and they recommend the gravity method. The client reclines in a large chair, and a small quantity of warm water is very slowly introduced into the colon by a narrow tube. Then the water (and hopefully some built up waste) runs out of the colon, being released through a tube and directly into the plumbing. The hydrotherapist answers questions, guiding or assisting whenever needed.

Having a colonic is actually very easy. The water cleanses the walls of the intestine. Each time a colonic is done, another layer of plaque or waste can be washed out of the lining of the colon.

People sometimes say, “I got a colonoscopy, and they said my colon is fine.”

I feel I need to address a few differences between what I consider a healthy method called a colonics and a medical procedure called a colonoscopy.

A colonoscopy doesn’t clean out the colon. It doesn’t pull out the toxins or plaque embedded in the lining of the intestines. It is like a bullet going through the barrel of a gun.

In fact, there are risks and dangers with getting a colonoscopy.

Did you know it is IMPOSSIBLE to completely sterilize a colonoscope?

Colonoscopies destroy the bacterial flora that balance the microorganisms in your colon. The average colon in a human body, contains 3 – 4 pounds of bacteria, most of which consists of good, healthy bacteria. The colonoscopy preparation procedure actually strips your colon of all of its good, protective bacteria.

1 in every 350 colonoscopies end up doing serious harm. The death rate is about 1 for every 1,000 procedures. With 15 million colonoscopies being done each year in the U.S., that means about 15,000 Americans die as a result of this routine procedure.

Constipation, Irregularity, intestinal integrity, Gut Health, And Well-being, by Nancy Addison, organic healthy life

Getting back to the subject of being constipated and the numerous health problems that can arise from that situation, I see a colonic as a safer and healthier method to remedy that situation quickly and more effectively than pharmaceutical drugs or laxatives.

A colonic actually washes out the debris, plaque, and whatever else is stuck in the layers of the intestinal wall.

Colonics are recommended for people with a high degree of inflammation, constipation, and/or plaque in their colon. Some people find it so useful that they continue to do it once a month or more just to stay clean.

Gil and Natalia say that a person who grew up eating a standard American diet of bread, meat, trans fats, sugar, and junk food could get a colonic every week for the rest of his or her life, and still not have one-hundred percent of the waste completely removed from the colon. But the more waste that is removed, the healthier you will be.

Dr. Ed Group states that a colonic only cleans out the large intestines, where as the small intestines is the most important part to clean out. He recommends the Oxypowder, which is a formulation by Nikola Tesla and it is sold by Global Healing. You can listen to Dr. Group here on my weekly podcast in July 2024. I will say, I have recommended it to many of my clients who struggle with this situation and it has worked quickly and gotten them regular and in much better health easily.

One thing I highly recommend for daily health and also for constipation relief, is drinking a large glass of warm mineral-rich water every morning as soon as you get up, before doing anything else. This will help hydrate you and assist moving any toxins and waste out of the body.

An important subject to note, is that a raw food diet will awaken the body and help get waste out. The raw food is more likely to be completely or close to completely digested. Your body will start to cleanse itself of toxins because of the antioxidant-rich food and fiber.

When the colon and the rest of the intestinal tract are cleaned up and running free and clear, the whole body will start to work in harmony.

Many people will find that their joint problems, headaches, back aches, skin problems, and hair problems simply disappear when they finally get their colon and intestines clean and oxygenated.

Natalia Rose also recommends enemas as another way to remove waste from the bowels. They can work well and get waste to come out of the tissues.

Additionally, Gil and Natalia recommend putting a small step stool in front of the toilet. If you put your feet on the small stool when using the toilet, your intestinal tract has a better curve, making it much easier to move waste through the tract.

In conclusion, keep your intestinal tract and colon clean and your whole body will operate more effectively, and your health will benefit in many ways.



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Medical Disclaimer:

Information provided in this podcast, blog, article, video is for informational purposes only. The information is a result of years of practice and experience by Nancy Addison CHC. However, this information is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional, or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging.
Do not use the information provided in this blog, audio podcast, article, video  for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read in this email.

Information provided in this video or audio and the use of any products or services related to this video by you DOES NOT create a health counselor-client relationship between you and Nancy Addison, certified health counselor. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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