Rejuvenation Retreat’s Authentic Nicaraguan Organic Recipe

Easter's Fresh HerbsRejuvenation Retreat’s Authentic Nicaraguan Recipe


I’ve been hosting my Rejuvenation Retreat this month in Redonda Bay Nicaragua with Charlotte Ammerman.

This week we had a local Nicaraguan Mid Wife/Healing Woman come and give a cooking class for our group. She made a healing green drink, native cookies, home make tortillas and a stir fry.

We got to use some of my healthier ingredients that I had brought from the US.

I had her make her dishes with some of my healthier ingredients and her incredibly fresh local ingredients.

We got to work with her and make the dishes with her. It was so much fun for our group.

She was so precious and had the sweetest smile.

We are so blessed to be in such an exotic central American Country with so many dear sweet people who are sharing their culture with us.

Here is her recipe for the healing green drink she made for us.

Ester and Conchita preparing veggies for our cooking lesson and authentic Nicaraguan luncheon
Ester and Conchita preparing veggies for our cooking lesson and authentic Nicaraguan luncheon

Nicaraguan Anti-Inflammatory Drink

This is a green drink that fortifies the blood and helps those with anemia.




Jicote leaves

Spinach leaves

Lemon/lime juice




Combine in a blender or juice.

Serve immediately.


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