Prevent Or Treat Prostate Cancer And Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Naturally

Statistics show that 1 in 7 men will get prostate cancer. But there is new research that shows natural ways to reverse or prevent prostate cancer! Prostate Cancer and  Erectile disfunction (ED), can both be addressed naturally with lifestyle and diet, which is much less extreme than surgery or drugs, and much more effective in the long term.

This article will provide you with some easy ways to prevent and treat prostate cancer 
 erectile dysfunction. Natural foods
lifestyle adjustments can be implemented right away and make a huge difference in your quality of life. In a recent study, men who were in early stage prostate cancer, who made intensive changes in diet and lifestyle stopped or perhaps even reversed the progression of their illness.” (1)

In this comprehensive study, they chose 93 men that had biopsy-proven prostate cancer who had elected not to undergo conventional treatment.   For one year the group was split into two groups. One did not change anything they were doing, but the second group was placed on a vegan diet (mostly fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains with additional vitamin and mineral supplements) and a lifestyle with moderate aerobic exercise, meditation, yoga and support group sessions.  

At the end of one year, the “PSA levels (a protein marker for prostate cancer) decreased in men in the group who made comprehensive lifestyle changes but increased in the comparison group. There was a direct correlation between the degree of lifestyle change and the changes in PSA. Also, they found that serum from the participants inhibited prostate tumor growth in vitro by 70 percent in the lifestyle-change group but only 9 percent in the comparison group. Again, there was a direct correlation between the degree of lifestyle change and the inhibition of prostate tumor growth.” (2)

Also, published studies on milk thistle’s anti-cancer potential show its effectiveness against cancers of the prostate, liver, lung, breast, colon, cervix, skin and ovaries.

Milk thistle is also a powerful means to protect the body against the damage of cancer drugs. It’s frequently used in cancer care to help moderate the toxic effects of radiation and chemotherapy.

The silymarin component of the plant offsets the growth of certain types of cancer cells, including those associated with prostate, skin, and liver cancers. It also helps prevent cancer cells from spreading throughout the body. (3) Oral ingestion of silibinin has also shown effectiveness in preventing the growth, spread, and metastasis of prostate cancer cells, working in part by causing cell cycle arrest. (4)

Isosilybin B is likewise effective in targeting prostate cancer. It helps to maintain healthy prostate cell division inside the body while suppressing the secretion of prostate-specific antigen (PSA), a common marker of the disease’s presence and spread. Isosilybin B has also shown efficacy in fighting both hormone-dependent and hormone-independent prostate cancers. It is also efficacious in suppressing a genetic factor linked to the disease’s formation. (5)

Along with the high rates of prostate cancer is the serious problem for men that is Erectile Dysfunction, also known as ED. One survey found that 50% of men aged 40 and up had ED (6), and another found that 33% of men aged 50 and up complained of having ED in the past three months. (7)

Besides the physical effects on health, ED can lead to depression and anxiety, and affect relationships. Fortunately, when you give the body the right tools, it can start to heal itself.

There are all kinds of natural foods you can add to your diet to provide those tools. ED has many causes. ED is a main side effect of many commonly prescribed pharmaceutical drugs, so check the side effects of any pharmaceutical drugs you take. Heart disease, obesity, diabetes, older age, smoking, alcohol, high blood pressure, stress, and a sedentary lifestyle all increase the risk of ED. (8)

Studies show that 70% of all erectile dysfunction caused by non-psychological factors is due to blood vessel problems and diabetes. (9) In fact, the first sign of heart disease is sexual dysfunction. (9)

Even more seriously, men who have ED are 70% more likely to die prematurely than men without ED. (10)

A two-year study took men with ED and placed them on a high-fiber diet of fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats (a Mediterranean diet), and the results were better erections. (11)

I often hear men talk about how they crave steak, chicken, fish, and burgers so they can bulk up or be manly. The Paleo diet has been all the rage. These “manly” foods actually produce the exact opposite of what masculine parts need to function.

To prevent and treat erectile dysfunction, choose to cut down on or eliminate steak, burgers, hot dogs, fish, and chicken wings.  Add fresh fruits and vegetables, grilled Portobello mushrooms, sprouted lentils, sprouted quinoa, and sprouted beans to your eating plan, and see what a difference that makes. Look beyond TV commercials and stereotypes of masculinity.

Research shows that healthy, fresh, whole, vegetarian foods actually boost sexual function throughout your lifetime. A more vegetarian diet can do amazing things for your health, and it can be delicious!

Another natural food to try on the road to health is Fenugreek Seeds. Fenugreek (Trigonella foenumgraecum) has held a major position in Ayurveda Medicine for thousands of years. It has been traditionally used in cooking, and it has been historically used for supporting liver and gallbladder health, balancing blood sugar, regulating weight, and boosting overall digestive strength.

There is a well-documented study, showing the benefits of supplementing your diet with fenugreek seeds, and its effect on the blood sugar of type 1 diabetics. Poor blood sugar regulation is linked to weight gain, along with an excess of serious health concerns.

Keep in mind, blood sugar imbalances actually start in the liver, and the liver is where fenugreek benefits. In one study with diabetic type 1 patients, there was a 54% reduction of glucose in the first-morning urine, along with significant positive changes in the ability to regulate fats in the liver. (12)

Fenugreek has also been found to help with men’s libido and increase their sexual function. In one study, 60 males between the ages of 25 and 52 with erectile concerns took either fenugreek or a placebo for 6 weeks. The men that took the fenugreek saw considerable improvement in libido and their sexual ability. In addition to this, the men personally reported a positive result in muscle strength, energy and well-being. While the exact components for these effects is still undiscovered, it has been found that fenugreek can play a role in maintaining healthy testosterone levels. (13)

Fenugreek can be taken as a tea with meals, or it can be taken as a supplement in a capsule form.  You can also sprout them and use them on salads or freshly grind them to use as a spice to sprinkle on your food when cooking.

If you are interested in moving to a more plant-based diet, you may want to read my best-selling, award-winning, book/cookbooks  “How to Be a Healthy Vegetarian  (second edition) Awarded “Best Diet and Nutrition Book of the Year,” in the Beverly Hills Book Awards and Winner For “Best Specialty Cookbook of the Year” in the Book Excellence Awards 2017 or “Diabetes And Your Diet  Winner of Best Health Book of the Year, in the International Book Awards, 2017. at this link: or you can also visit my home page of this website: to order the books.

I have taught many Texas men, including Larry Hagman (J. R. Ewing from the show Dallas), how to love being a vegetarian and enjoy the food. When we make the decision to change our diet, that decision can create wonderful results in health and well-being.

In addition to sulfur compounds, there is also stem cell therapy to help the body regenerate itself. New stem cells have the potential to mature within the blood system into various immune system cells that recognize and fight off different types of blood cancer as well as used to treat diseases such as lymphoma, leukemia, multiple myeloma, myocarditis, and neuroblastoma.

Dr. Betty Hamilton, MD, Department of Hematology and Medical Oncology said, “They also have the ability to heal.” Bone marrow transplants are currently used to treat diseases such as lymphoma, leukemia, multiple myeloma, and neuroblastoma.

You may be aware that other countries around the world are currently using stem cell therapy for treating heart disease, painful joints, back pain, arthritis, hair loss, diabetes, Crohn’s, MS, and other health challenges.

There are many studies that have been conducted using stem cell therapy, using blood, and petri dishes, which are then injected into the person wanting the stem cell therapy. This can be very costly and have unpredictable results. This is considered to be regenerative medicine.

This encompasses a new medical science, that involves the functional restoration of tissues or organs caused by severe injuries or chronic diseases. This technology has been shown to repair and restore the damaged tissue’s stem cell.

The common link between all of these trials is the ability of the stem cells to reduce inflammation and repair damage to your body.

I have been using a non-transdermal stem cell activation therapy from the Lifewave Company for the past year.

I have recommended this therapy to many of my clients. This therapy can also be used on animals. This technology was originally created for the Navy Seals, because it improved strength and stamina, and provided pain relief.

This technology includes non-transdermal and non-invasive patches, which have also been approved for Olympic Athletes.

Along with the patch he created for the Navy Seals, he has since then created the X39 & X49 patches, which activate and elevate stem cells.

I have found them to be very positive in so many ways for myself and my clients. People are getting pain relief (especially from broken bones, old broken bone trauma, and wounds), better sleep, and greater energy. I understand that athletes David Beckham, Michael Phelps, Sam Hubbard with the Cincinnati Bengals, Serena Williams, and people like Suzanne Summers all wear them for improved health and performance.

The patches have crystals in them that reflect our infrared energy and activate our own stem cells, by working with the same meridians in our body that acupuncture works on.

The Lifewave Company has just come out with an aromatherapy spray with essential oils that can help regulate hormones. Men are really getting wonderful results from using these sprays, in conjunction with wearing the Lifewave X39 patch. The inventor of these patches said the glutathione patch and the X39 & x49 patches are very helpful for men in many ways.

Men are finding their testosterone is greatly boosted, as much as double within 3 days, by using these. It’s a two-spray program, one for the morning (Shine) and one for the evening (Dream).

Click here to watch a short video that explains how this patch therapy works.

Click here to watch the short video that explains how the X39 patch (the main patch that activates stem cells) works.

If you decide to order some stem cell activation patches, I would recommend ordering the X39 patch and the sprays. You find the spays under “aromatherapy.”

If you order, please use my link. My ID Number is 1439757 and my link is “Organic Healthy Life.”

Please let me know if you have any questions. My phone number is 214-202-9243. Please text me and type in Lifewave in the subject line.

If you order as a preferred customer, make sure you order for one to be sent immediately. Look in the gray strip in the cart and it will say auto-ship, but there isn’t an order to be sent now. The one listed in the gray strip will be sent in a month. Be sure to put one in your cart for immediate delivery. They won’t charge your card for the auto-ship next month, until next month. Text me if you have any questions.

I feel restoring your stem cells is a very positive thing and can help with so many things in health.

So, in conclusion, try eating a more organic plant-based diet and by trying this new stem cell therapy you could enjoy the amazing health benefits they can offer.

If you like this information, you may be interested in Nancy’s award-winning books:

1. Diabetes And Your Diet (Winner, “Best Health Book of the Year, 2017” of the International Book Awards

2. How To Be A Healthy Vegetarian (second edition, Winner for “Best Specialty Cookbook of the Year,” 2017, Book Excellence Awards and Winner for Best Diet and Nutrition Book of the Year, 2017, by the Beverly Hills Book Awards!)

  1. Raising Healthy Children, It is a cookbook and a health book. It was a double winner this year. It won Best Parenting Book of the Year and Best Family Book of the Year, 2017 in the International Book Awards.

  2. Lose Weight, Get Healthy & Never Be On A Diet Again! (Awarded Finalist in the International Book Awards)

  3. Feeding Tube Recipe For Optimum Health

  4. Co-Author of Alive & Cooking; An Easy Guide To Health For You And Your Parents


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1 and 2. University of California – San Francisco. “Lifestyle And Diet May Stop Or Reverse Prostate Cancer Progression.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 11 August 2005. <>.
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12 Eur J Clin Nutr. 1990 Apr;44(4):301-6. Effect of fenugreek seeds on blood glucose and serum lipids in type I diabetes. Sharma RD1, Raghuram TC, Rao NS.
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The information from Nancy Addison and Organic Healthy Lifestyle LLC is not offered for the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of any disease or disorder nor have any statements herein been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). We strongly encourage you to discuss topics of concern with your health care provider.
Medical Disclaimer: Information provided in this article, book, podcast, website, email, etc. is for informational purposes only. The information is a result of years of practice and experience by Nancy Addison CHC, AADP. However, this information is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional, or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging.


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