Nutritional Suggestions For Health, Addressing Oxidative Stress, Coronavirus, And Essential Nutrients

“Some physicians would rather stand by and see their patient die

than use ascorbic acid,

because in their finite minds it exists only as a vitamin.

Vitamin C is the safest substance available to the physician.”

– Dr. Frederick Klenner

Although all nutrients and minerals are important for optimum health, there are a few nutrients that are critical for good health and a strong immune system.

The coronavirus, as well as other harmful bacteria or viruses, like the flu, are most deadly for people whose immune system is weak. Nutrient-dense foods and supplements can be a way to strengthen and build a stronger immune system that can support overall health and well-being.

Vitamin C is one of those essential nutrients that is at the top of the list for helping to prevent and/or treat numerous health conditions. It is considered essential because our body does not make it and we must obtain it from a food source. It is also a water-soluble nutrient that should be in the diet on a daily basis.

When it comes to infections or a virus such as the flu, it is accepted that vitamin C is part of the immune response and quickly becomes depleted. It helps by encouraging the production of white blood cells that fight disease, by attaching themselves to and killing all of the invading microbes.

Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant, which is a nutrient that chemically binds and neutralizes the tissue-damaging effects of substances known as free radicals. Vitamin C it is critical to the growth and health of bones, teeth, gums, ligaments, and blood vessels. Vitamin C enables the body to efficiently use carbohydrates, fats, and protein.

Quite a few in-depth studies have shown the efficiency of Vitamin C to prevent and treat many diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, polio, dementia, age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts, viruses, comas, scurvy, and the common cold.

Vitamin C supplements can also reduce the blood levels of lead, mercury, arsenic, and cadmium. These toxic elements have no physiological benefits and can cause great harm.

Vitamin C plays an important role in how our bodies handle physical and emotional stress. With everything that is going on worldwide with this Covid-19 pandemic, many people are feeling stress and anxiety, especially if they are watching mainstream news.

Vitamin C is needed by the adrenal glands to synthesize hormones, and the normally high levels of ascorbic acid in these glands are especially depleted during high-stress situations.

Unfortunately, many vitamin manufacturers that create Vitamin C don’t make Vitamin C in a way that the body can utilize properly. Many of the Vitamin C’s on the market have damaged this fragile vitamin by using techniques with heat, steam, or high pressure grinding. The manufacturers frequently add fillers, additives, and preservatives, which totally deplete the raw materials of all nutritional value. They are commonly synthetic or simply not the quality that the body can use. Synthetic or damaged Vitamin C supplements that are manufactured in this way have little or no effect on the body, because the body does not recognize them as
Vitamin C, but as a mixture of harmful toxins in need of elimination.

Scottish physician James Lind (1716 – 1794) was a pioneer of naval hygiene in the Royal Navy. Having observed the preventive and curative powers of citrus fruits and lemon juice during his years as a naval surgeon, he wrote a treatise recommending their mandatory consumption by British sailors for scurvy prevention and better health.

Then in the 1900s, the meticulous work of Hungarian-born researcher Albert Szent-Györgyi isolated and identified Vitamin C and documented the metabolic mechanism that enables its use within cells. He was recognized with a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1937.

Vitamin C really came to the forefront of the public’s attention in the 1970s, when two-time Nobel Prize-winning scientist Linus Pauling published “Vitamin C and the Common Cold.” He had used five to ten grams of Vitamin C a day to help fortify the immune system.

As I have researched further, I have read work by Dr. Thomas E. Levy
(a cardiologist and lawyer), who has used Vitamin C in various forms in his practice. He believes in its incredible healing power so much that
he wrote a book on the subject that medical doctors now use as a guide for their practice. They also can use it in court, if they are questioned or accused of using unsubstantiated medical methods on their patients.

In “Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins,”
3rd Edition
by Thomas E. Levy MD JD, he states that the three most
vital factors required to get the most from Vitamin C are: “Dose, Dose, Dose!” He believes vitamin C to be the most powerful antibiotic. (Click here to hear his talk on youtube.

According to Dr. Levy, the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for Vitamin C is 60 mg, which is fine for dietary purposes. But, to get the maximum benefit of this natural anti-microbial, anti-toxin, anti-oxidant we all need much more.

He has researched, cited, and documented work by “Dr. F. R. Klenner, Reidsville, N.C., which is where much of the documented research on Vitamin C emerged.

Dr. Frederick Klenner conducted studies for Viral Pneumonia and treated it with Vitamin C. He documented his treatment for Viral Pneumonia infection in 42 cases over a five-year period. The excellent results
were due to his remedy of Vitamin C IV’s (ascorbic acid) given in large amounts.

When a diagnosis of Viral Pneumonia was entertained, the patient was given 1000 mg. of Vitamin C intravenously every six to twelve hours.
If a diagnosis was established in the home, the usual initial dose was
500 mg. given in the gluteal muscle.

Dr. Klenner also treated polio-myelitis during the 1948 epidemic.
For seven years he treated these polio-myelitis virus infections
and cured them in a period of seventy-two hours, by the employment
of massive frequent injections of ascorbic acid, or vitamin C given I. V. They were given intravenously because the injection was thus made painless and the response was faster.

In infants and very small children however, 500 mg. injected into the gluteal muscle every six to twelve hours was the method of choice.

“In almost every case, the patient felt better within an hour after the first injection and noted a very definite change after two hours. Nausea was relieved by the first injection as was the headache.“

Vitamin C is found in various fresh, organic foods, including citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruit; in green vegetables such as watercress, parsley, spinach, broccoli, and cabbage; and in tomatoes and potatoes.

Food processing may degrade or destroy Vitamin C, as can exposure
to air, drying, salting, cooking (especially in copper pots), or processing. (Freezing does not usually cause loss of Vitamin C unless foods are stored for a very long time.)

In modern times, access to fresh fruits and vegetables is common, rendering full-blown cases of vitamin C deficiency relatively rare. Cases are normally limited to isolated elderly adults, and usually men whose diet is limited to foods lacking in Vitamin C, as well as to infants fed reconstituted milk or milk substitutes without a Vitamin C or orange juice supplement. Those with certain illnesses, such as AIDS, cancer or tuberculosis, surgical patients, and those exposed to long periods of cold temperatures can also suffer from Vitamin C insufficiency.”

Dr. Klenner made Vitamin C IV’s his common practice for treating almost all, if not all of his patients. He would have his staff give his new patients a Vitamin C IV first thing, sometimes even before he examined them.

Dr. Levy has taken the study of Vitamin C supplementation further, and now believes we can use various forms of Vitamin C to saturate the cells and tissue, which is read by the body as glucose.

Dr. Levy says to avoid potassium ascorbate and calcium ascorbate.

On page 131 of Dr. Levy’s book “Primal Panacea,” he writes “My clinical experience with Altrient C liposome-encapsulated Vitamin C suggests that the clinical impact of liposome-encapsulated Vitamin C may even exceed the clinical impact of intravenous Vitamin C for some acute infections.”

Liposome C is currently the form of Vitamin C that Dr. Levy likes best because it can be absorbed well. He says that Liposome C in a dose of 5 gm is equivalent to 50 gm of Vitamin C in an IV solution. Dr. Levy advises to “take as many forms (meaning IV, Oral supplements, and fresh fruits and vegetables) of Vitamin C as possible”

He says that Oral Vitamin C can help neutralize toxins in the gut.
He goes on to say that Vitamin C will help get a lot of bowel problems resolved and give probiotics a chance to re-establish themselves in the gut, which is where the majority of our probiotics (which make up the immune system) reside.

According to Dr. Levy, acutely ill patients all have a different oxidative stress load, which is what he says causes most diseases. But the basic principle of pushing the Vitamin C level high and keeping it high, even if you don’t resolve the infectious disease or you don’t resolve the chronic disease with this first Vitamin C IV, it will still help the patient to feel better and put them on the road to better health.

There are numerous studies that prove that an incredible number of diseases are mediated by oxidative stress in the body. Antioxidants may play a pivotal role in preventing or slowing the progression of diseases.

Antioxidants have also been seen to reduce the development of asthmatic symptoms and oxidative stress. Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Beta Carotene are all antioxidants. Supplementation of these has been associated with improved lung function.

In addition to taking Vitamin C, I have been taking a supplement for the past few years that has been proven to reduce oxidative stress in the body by 40% in 30 days. (I take it along with Protandim NRF 1 and NAD, which I think makes it provide even more health advantages.)

(My link for the supplement is:

These 3 supplemental technologies (Protandim Nrf2, Protandim Nrf1 and NAD) are all clinically shown to protect against viruses.

NAD stands for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. It is a molecule found in every cell in the body. NAD is used to power your metabolism by enabling the mitochondria, which provide the power of the cell, which in turn converts the food we eat into the energy our body needs to sustain all its functions.

NAD is a bacteria nutrient, B 3. NAD was researched by David Sinclair of Harvard, when he started studying resveratrol (an antioxidant in red grapes and red wine) and it’s anti-aging effects. His lab made headlines by reporting that the mitochondria in the muscles of elderly mice were restored to a youthful state after just a week of injections with NMN (nicotinamide mononucleotide), a molecule that naturally occurs in cells and, like NR, boosts levels of NAD.

Studies show that NAD fuels the activity of sirtuins, including SIRT3. Sirtuins are a family of proteins that regulate cellular health.
Sirtuins play a key role in regulating cellular homeostasis.

Homeostasis involves keeping the cell in balance. What studies are showing is that the more NAD there is in cells, the more SIRT1 does beneficial things. One of those things is to induce formation of new mitochondria. When NAD activates SIRT3, this is thought to keep mitochondria running smoothly

In conclusion, eating one medium orange will provide almost double the daily amount of Vitamin C at 70 mg, and two medium tomatoes will hit the goal at 20 mg each.

Dr. Levy says that in tests, Vitamin C has worked against every virus, if given in a sufficient concentration.

Dr Mike Skinner, a virologist at Imperial College London, says we won’t know Vitamin C’s value against coronavirus for some time, and says the dose being tested is ‘massive’. ‘They’re doing the trials now.

The addition of Vitamin C, in its many forms, is incredibly beneficial for restoring health to the body.

Dr. Levy stated that adding some magnesium to the body is also very important, as the body is commonly low in magnesium as well. You can do this by taking a magnesium chloride flake bath or using topical cream.
In this way you can give your body some good tools to use in order to create better health.



1. Dr. Thomas E. Levy – Vitamin C The Ultimate Antibiotic –

2. Curing the Incurable, 3rd Edition: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins

by Thomas E. Levy MD JD, Dr. Garry Gordon, et al.

3. Primal Panacea

by Thomas E Levy MD JD and MD Garry Gordon –

4. Chemistry For Life,  Albert Szent-Györgyi’s Discovery of Vitamin C

International Historic Chemical Landmark

By Nancy Addison CHC, AADP

Nancy Addison is a certified health counselor, nutritionist, chef, as well as a certified practitioner of Psychosomatic Therapy. She teaches people about living a healthier, happier life through nutrition and lifestyle. She has appeared on NBC, Fox, CBS, and in documentaries (one example- “Eating You Alive”). You can reach her on her website, Organic Healthy Lifeor find more easy, healthy recipes in Nancy’s award-winning books, which are half cookbook. Here is her author page on Amazon.

The information from Nancy Addison and Organic Healthy Lifestyle LLC is not offered for the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of any disease or disorder nor have any statements herein been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). We strongly encourage you to discuss topics of concern with your health care provider.

Medical Disclaimer: Information provided in this article, book, podcast, website, email, etc. is for informational purposes only. The information is a result of years of practice and experience by Nancy Addison CHC, AADP. However, this information is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or another healthcare professional, or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging.



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