How To Be a Healthy Vegetarian: The Healthy Vegetarian
Guide and Recipe Book
By Nancy Addison
The plant based diet is the healing diet. Whether you are a vegetarian or someone who just wants to be healthier, when you add more plant based foods to your diet, your health is going to benefit. Nancy’s book is “How To Be A Healthy Vegetarian.” Nancy’s book has nutritional information that would benefit anyone (with lots of helpful information for people with cancer, diabetes, frequent illnesses or weight control problems); over 115 simple gourmet recipes (everything from raw, vegan to vegetarian); cutting edge information on soy, protein, fats, sugars; helpful shopping information; fantastic natural remedies (for healthy hair, sleeping problems, foods to help alleviate stress or boosting your libido) and resources! It is easy to understand and a great resource for anyone who is looking to live a healthier lifestyle.
“Best Health and Nutrition Book of this Century,” Amazon Review by Gary Massad, M. D. of Nancy Addison’s book: “How To Be A Healthy Vegetarian”
Order one today!
Nancy walks you through ways that help you take control of your health and your life!
Would you like to save money on health care costs?
Are you worried about the side effects that pharmaceutical drugs can cause?
This is the perfect gift for someone you love.
Book Review
By Michael W. Hall, DC, FIACN
Healthcare trends throughout North America and many parts of the world have struggled for the past several decades in addressing the advancing rates of heart disease, obesity and related illnesses, cancer, and hypertension. The monetary expenditure on these conditions is escalating at rates that neither individuals nor payor agencies are able to sustain.
Finally, in Nancy Addison’s book, How to be a Healthy Vegetarian both the health care provider and lay person have an easy to understand resource in reversing the course of preventable disease. Increasing lifespan and quality of daily activities through better decision-making in daily dietary choices is a recipe easily afforded in this time.
One does not have to look far to see the ravaging effects of chronic inflammation on our health. Peripheral neuropathies, vascular diseases, bowel incompetencies, early cognitive decline, memory disturbances, sleep disorders, hypothyroidism, and a variety of other metabolic / endocrine disorders have all been linked in one form or another to chronic inflammation.
Chronic fatigue, pain, and generalized muscle weaknesses are more and more associated with nutritionally deficient diets, sedentary lifestyles, and elevated stress hormones. Nancy now offers an authoritative, well-researched book that is easy to follow and even easier to apply to even the most hectic of lifestyles. Better dietary choices through better understanding and implementation is vital to preventing and reversing today’s chronic illnesses.

Nancy’s style and presentation of expert content and topic is inviting and hospitable. You’ll want to take in every page and consideration. For both the health care provider and layperson alike reading this book will provide new insights for a long and healthy life for yourself and the lives that you impact!
Michael W. Hall, DC, FIACN has been providing chiropractic services for the past 20+ years. He is a Professor of Neurology in the Clinical Sciences Department at Parker University in Dallas, TX.
He is an international speaker on the management and prevention of neurological disorders. He is a Fellow of the International Academy of Chiropractic Neurology and a Diplomat of the American Board of Chiropractic Neurology.
Book Endorsement:
“Fantastic Book. Two years ago I had a quadruple bi-pass, and my cardiologist told me that if I changed to a plant based diet, I would never have this problem again. Being from Texas, I grew up on meat and potatoes, and I was not compliant with his advice. I came across Nancy Addison’s book and it made perfect sense to me with the simple and understandable approach. I’m started off dropping all animal meat, including chicken, which has as much unhealthy fat as steak. Within a month I dropped 17 lbs, just doing that. My system is functioning a lot better, I’ve added more fruits and vegetables, and doubled my energy. I haven’t given up seafood, but maybe down the road I will take the next step. Brava Nancy for getting me to take the first step,and helping me create a new,healthier life!!!!!” – Benjamin McKinley ( Naples, Florida)
“I have just finished reading Nancy Addison’s book “How To Become A Healthy Vegetarian.” It is well written, compelling and informative. The health benefits are indisputable. Nancy, being a gourmet chef as well as nutritionist provides some recipes that clearly explain why Nancy’s dinner guests are pleasantly surprised to indulge in a meatless meal. I found Nancy’s book interesting, well researched as well as a fun read that might be very helpful to anyone who would like to be a healthy vegetarian!” By Louis P. Brady M.D.
Eve Baughman (Camarillo, California United States)
How to Be a Healthy Vegetarian
“The thing I love about this book is it is clearly written and easy to understand! I’ve purchased so many books in the past that were supposed to be written for beginners in the vegetarian lifestyle, but ended up being geared toward people who were either scientists or well versed in what vegetarianism entails (when that was not what I was looking for or how it was marketed) and they didn’t do me much good! BUT THIS BOOK IS THE REAL DEAL! Reading it made me feel like the writer was personally guiding me through the things that are important for me to know. And it is full of a whole bunch of great (and easy) recipes too! I know several teens in my family who are experimenting with vegetarianism and I will be purchasing several copies of this book, so they will learn to do it in the right way from the beginning. Actually, it would make a great gift for anyone thinking about trying to become a little healthier by incorporating a few more veggies into their diet!”
How to Be a Healthy Vegetarian is a GREAT Resource,
Adele Good
“How to Be a Healthy Vegetarian is an awesome tool for even non-vegetarians! I found the information on Protein and Sugar to be very useful. It is great to have a this resource to support us on our path to Radiant Health.”
“Nancy, your book is inspirational. My friend Debbie gave me your book. It is a masterpiece. I keep your book by my bed and use it as my health bible. I have underlined and highlighted almost all of it.
I use your cleanse every day. I feel better than ever.
You look prettier than the picture on your book.
Thank you so much for writing this incredible book.“
-Ward Hudspeth
“How To Be A Healthy Vegetarian” is an excellent book. Having had the opportunity to assist and promote health and nutrition with world-class athletes over the last 25 years; it is my opinion that Nancy Addison’s book is a formula for high-level performance in our daily lives. I can’t imagine a more informative book for the person looking to improve their health. The chapter about sugar is the most complete information available. Nancy is an expert in Nutrition, Healthy Cooking, Raw Food, Living a Healthy Lifestyle and making it all work together. What you put on the end of your fork is more powerful medicine than anything you will find at the bottom of a pill bottle.”
Gary L. Massad M.D.
-First National Corporate Medical Director and founder of Occupational Health Centers in America. Attending physician to the Iron Man Hawaii; Attending Physician, United States Triathlon Association; Attending Physician United States Tae Kwon Do Association, Attending
Physician United States Cycling Federation.
Something Meaningful For Every Person Interested in Nutrition, August 25, 2012
Marsha Paisley –
This review is from: How To Be A Healthy Vegetarian (Paperback)
Nancy Addison has done an incredible job summarizing a lifetime of experience with every facet of food and nutrition. From the garden to the table, be it vegetarian, vegan or raw, Nancy does it and she does it well. Even the preface is exciting! She has recipes for everyone from new renditions of traditional comfort foods to cutting edge raw dishes that will please even the toughest carnivore guests.
Nancy has put so much into this book and I believe it can and will help many people make changes that will improve their lives significantly. Not only does she tell the reader how and what to prepare, but she also provides a very comprehensive resource section, so that no matter where you live in the country you will have access to everything you need. Great book!!
Note: I will be personally signing all books purchased off my site. If you would like the book personalized to a specific person, please send me the person’s name and message to my personal email at Put “Personalize Book” in the email subject line. Thank you.
I have been fortunate to practice medicine in many fields and have had the opportunity to study nutrition from some of the best experts in the field. Nancy Gibbons Addison is one of those experts. Nancy promotes thoughtful discussion and improved understanding of disease processes, and, most importantly, through “How to be a Healthy Vegetarian” she promotes an increased life span for people throughout the world. Food connects us all in some way, shape or form. We make a powerful choice in what we choose to eat. In this book, Nancy has prepared a menu for health and a prescription for a better, healthier way to do just that. I’ve been working with patients and athletes for more than 30 years and have witnessed changes in the approach to nutrition, weight loss and food in general. Food choices have changed because the composition of food has changed. This book is an invaluable resource that offers a comprehensive overview of protein, carbohydrates, fats, sugars and vitamins and includes valuable information about their role in restoring and maintaining your health. Nancy cuts through the myths and hype and presents the facts as they are, and the result is an overview of everything you need to know about living well every day of your life. She makes it easy to understand and even easier to put into action. With the help of this book, you can live longer and get the health results you want. Nancy is passionate about sharing her knowledge with her loved ones, family, friends, and most of all, with those who may benefit dramatically by increasing the quality of life through reversing disease. Her knowledge is impressive, and her approach to selection and preparation of foods is beyond compare. There is always a place for you at her table, so sit back and enjoy the food and feeling healthier.
-Gary L. Massad M.D.
First National Corporate Medical Director and founder of Occupational Health Centers in America. Head physician at the 1989 World Championships for the United States Cycling Federation in France, attending physician for the United States Cycling Federation (USCF) to the Tour of Texas; Attending physician to the Iron Man Hawaii; Attending Physician, United States Triathlon Association; Attending Physician United States Tae Kwon Do Association, Attending Physician United States Cycling Federation.
Note: I will be personally signing all books purchased off my site. If you would like the book personalized to a specific person, please send me the person’s name and message to my personal email at Put “Personalize Book” in the email subject line. Thank you.
I LOVE THIS BOOK!!! I read one to three pages, let the lessons absorb, then one to three more. Ate lunch with a friend today who had friends visit from California that had read your book, and it changed their lives. They became vegetarians their way.
– Sheryl Sclater
“Two years ago I had a quadruple bi-pass, and my cardiologist told me that if I changed to a plant based diet, I would never have this problem again. Being from Texas, I grew up on meat and potatoes, and I was not compliant with his advice. I came across Nancy Addison’s book and it made perfect sense to me with the simple and understandable approach. I’m started off dropping all animal meat, including chicken, which has as much unhealthy fat as steak. Within a month I dropped 17 lbs, just doing that. My system is functioning a lot better, I’ve added more fruits and vegetables, and doubled my energy. I haven’t given up seafood, but maybe down the road I will take the next step. Brava Nancy for getting me to take the first step,and helping me create a new,healthier life!!!!!”
Ben McKinley – Naples, FL.