Testimony for “How To Be A Healthy Vegetarian,” 2nd edition by Shunta, a Holistic Dental Nurse, Houston Tx.
Dr. R. Geoffrey Broderick, DMV. Founder of Cornucopia Pet Foods and author of Compassion for Pets, 50 years as a practicing veterinarian in Huntington, New York.
Gary Massad M. D. National Corporate Medical Director and founder of Occupational Health Centers in America. Attending physician to the Ironman Man Hawaii; Attending Physician, United States Triathlon Association; Attending Physician United States Tae Kwon Do Association, Attending Physician United States Cycling Federation.
judgement atmosphere in which to learn, grow, and excel. I needed this
health journey to quiet myself, dive into the information, experience a
life changing week, and return home (truly prepared) to incorporate
quality routines.”
May 2023
Nancy helped me get my serious gut health under control after I had gallbladder cancer and chemotherapy.
At the time, I did not know I had early gastroparesis (paralyzed digestive system) and couldn’t eat anything.
I learned the wonderful value of my most beloved fruit-watermelon-and the healing properties. Through her guidance I lost 28 pounds and kept it off for 6 years until my life hit abundant personal and professional trauma that put my body in a tail spin.
Medical professionals will not listen to you when you are expressing that your body you live in daily is screaming for help…because my bloodwork didn’t have the A1C numbers for diabetes but only pre diabetes, my trigger fingers, sore joints in feet, knees and a fatigue beyond belief…
I am now receiving help from Nancy once again. I know what she does works!!!
I have shed many a tear in doctors’ offices in the years-but after Nancy and I set our first meeting again I had HOPE for the first time in years.
My health has taken me out of my career as disabled 4 years before I could retire. There is much I am investing however I know that Nancy will invest in me as well wholeheartedly.
Check in for my progressive updates!
Dr. Stephanie Seneff, Senior Research Scientist MIT
Healthy Counseling for a couple who wanted to have a child:
Medical Doctor testimony:
Susan Christenson M.D. –
“Nancy…………after reading your January blog, I must THANK you for such a great synthesis of info. I have read your newsletters for a long time, but this is the first time I have looked at your blog, and I will for sure buy your books……
I have been on a ketogenic diet for the last week and will continue it for a month, b/c I want to lose weight and have been convinced this will do so. I hardly eat meat on this ketogenic dies, but I MISS the beans and rice, and will be moving to a more vegetarian diet in about a month. That is where your book comes in! Thank you!
Amazon Testimonial for “Raising Healthy Children” and “How To Be A Healthy Vegetarian” books
Michael N.
5.0 out of 5 stars
Love this book! All inclusive bible to a healthy, clean lifestyle.
January 22, 2019
All inclusive book for a healthy lifestyle. If you are looking to improve your child’s health through diet and clean living, this is the book for it all. Includes nutritional needs of children, recipes and options for detoxing your food and home of toxins. Such a great book and very easy to read. I would suggest also reading Nancy’s book, How To Be A Healthy Vegetarian. Together they make great resources.
Health Counseling Testimmony
Hey Nancy!
Thank you! I’m down to two sodas, one in the morning and one at night. Better than five.
I really appreciate all you are doing for us.
I can already see a difference in the boys. Today I showed them a kernel of popcorn before it popped and then we stood by the pan and listened to them pop. They enjoyed the experience and loved the popcorn. When they ask for junk now, I tell them what the bad ingredients are and how they can make your body sick and then we went into the pantry and played a game called who can choose the best snack to make our bodies operate like Super Heroes!!
I did take them to our favorite fast-food restaurant, but we did not get rolls or anything else. They did have a large sign on the window advertising Pecan Pie (one of my favorites)….I just closed my eyes!!
Love ya!
Dear Nancy,
So very very very excited day 4 and I have my waist back – amazing beyond-
I think I am going to love cooking –
Wow – I cannot cannot thank you enough. I am beyond excited about all this.
OMG my waist is back – AMAZING AMAZING.
Salad today with lentils, greens, roasted pumpkin seeds, with your recommended healthy oil and salt –
delicious –
I just threw out all my vitamins (hundreds of dollars) – I guess I never looked to see what
they were made of (crazy that I didn’t look) and it made me ill – since I have been a vegetarian
since 1968 –
You have CHANGED MY LIFE my friend.
Amazon Review
Nancy’s personal counseling and her book, helped me to shift what I was eating while still enjoying the textures and the flavors that I was accustomed to.
Nancy’s counseling and book brought alot of great information about food and lifestyle in a way that was easy for me to understand.
With Nancy’s help, and using this book as a guide, I was able to dramatically change my blood test results in just around 90 days.
If you are dealing with Type II diabetes, this book will help you bring it under control without drugs
Mary Monttein Alonso – CFMW, Transformational Life Coach, Certified Facilitator- August 18, 2018, posted on Linked-in
Thank you for your good work Nancy. I was astounded to see one of my clients lab work reflect normal levels after just 90 days following your protocols. Previously diagnosed with out of control diabetes, they made the choices and the body produced amazing results! His doctor said, if the next set of lab work comes back equally as good, they would have to say the diabetes would be in remission. Indeed the body knows how to heal itself with the proper nutrition. Kudos!
Brodi Alt –
I’d like to start off by thanking you for teaching me so much about nutrition. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. My health and my family’s has improved so much since I started listening to your podcasts and reading your books.
I am a nurse who has become very frustrated with Western medicine and Western healthcare in general. I am currently in school getting my bachelors degree in holistic and oriental medicine, but I have found a true passion for nutrition. I would like to learn more about nutrition and gain some sort of degree and/or certificate. I’m contacting you in hopes of some direction. I don’t want to become a mainstream nutritionist or registered dietitian, as I don’t believe all of their teachings are healthy or beneficial. Is there some sort of association or certification I should be on the lookout for when choosing schools/programs?
Thank you so much for your inspiration and your information!
Thanks so much!
Brodi Alt
Mr. Pat B .
Health Counseling, Pantry Make-over, Grocery Store Walk Through.
March – April 2018
You are making me so much better. I can’t t thank you enough for what you have done to help me get my healthier focus back in my life. Bringing my sister to go with me to my annual Internist check-up was great because she got to hear all of the good news going on with me. I have been following your rules and advice and feeling better by the day. I am focused trying to follow your recommendations and my workout trainer starts next week.
I have followed your directions on the food, while traveling. It was exactly like you said it was.I need to pay attention to read your books for my long flight back from Thailand. I can surely see why you love Thailand so much as I am falling in love with it and can’t wait to come back again.
I am really enjoying working to follow your directions so I can continue to lose weight and get healthier week by week.
You have surely inspired me and I appreciate you so much for all of you care and attention. I too look forward to seeing you when I return.
Warm regards,
Hi Nancy, from New Zealand!
I listen to your show every day while doing food prep!
I have two young children and began my plant-based (vegan) journey a little over 1 year ago. I was covered in eczema and doctors kept prescribing antihistamines and steroid cream. I went to see a natural health doctor and she referred me for a food blood test. Which came back I am intolerant to dairy, egg, and coconut. So I cut them out of my diet and my body was still full of inflammation.
So I decided to cut meat out for a month to see how I felt. And a year later I am eczema free and loving my plant-based diet.
My children and husband also eat plant-based at home. Food preparation is very time consuming but I am very proud of what I am feeding my family and listening to you keeps me so inspired to look at all aspects of the way we live. We are dairy farmers too so people find it funny when I tell them I am vegan. I can’t wait to order some of your books !! Thank you so much for the inspiration. I shall try to spread the knowledge xx My boys absolutely love the food too
Update a day later: have ordered 2 of your books from Amazon. Very excited!!
You have changed my life !!
Francois Kleynhans
Testimony concerning Nancy’s podcasts:
Hi Nancy, Francois here! I’m from South Africa and listen to your podcast’s on a daily basis (some of them more than once) I’m a musician an travel a lot so you keep me awake so thank you for that! I have this big dream that I believe God put in my heart and i want to be true to Him but i am completely lost as to where to begin! One thing that i do know and admire about you is that you obviously know a lot about nutrition, I am wondering, if there are some books you would recommend or even courses to study, that would be awesome!
Looking forward to your reply and hopefully i can be on your podcast one day! Be blessed Francois Francois Kleynhans
Vanessa Conroy
Dr. Michael Hall
Daniel McDonald

Kaaydah Schatten
I sent “How To Be A Healthy Vegetarian”, second edition, by Nancy Addison, to my friend Gwendolyn de Bourbon, who has struggled with chronic health issues since she suffered a stroke at 41 years of age, in 2001. The stroke left Gwendolyn in debilitating and chronic pain, requiring over 6 medications a day to control spasms The medication provided some relief and did not mitigate damage to liver, etc.
Gwendolyn never thought eating a plant-based diet as healthy, as she grew up on meat and potatoes. She loves all the detailed research and is finding the information compelling enough to start an organic garden to provide the plant-based diet to start a new life full of health and adventure.
-Kaaydah Schatten
Gary L. Massad, M.D
“Nancy Addison’s book, “Raising Healthy Children,” is a comprehensive guidebook to create long-term sustainable and life-enhancing strategies for raising healthier children through nutrition. In this book, she inspires, motivates, and teaches easy-to-implement suggestions as well as offers incredible insight into health and wellness. Nancy also has delicious recipes for the whole family. This book gives a parent the power of healthy choices.” – Gary L. Massad, M.D. FACOM, FAASM, FAC, LM. Past attending physician to the 1984 and 1996 Olympic Games, attending physician to United States Cycling Federation, USTAA, and USMAA
Louis P. Brady M.D.
“I have just finished reading Nancy Addison’s book “How To Become A Healthy Vegetarian.” second edition. It is well written, compelling and informative. The health benefits are indisputable. Nancy, being a gourmet chef as well as nutritionist provides some recipes that clearly explain why Nancy’s dinner guests are pleasantly surprised to indulge in a meatless meal. I found Nancy’s book interesting, well researched as well as a fun read that might be very helpful to anyone who would like to be a healthy vegetarian!” -Louis P. Brady M.D.
Michael W. Hall, DC FIACN
Healthcare trends throughout North America and many parts of the world have struggled for the past several decades in addressing the advancing rates of heart disease, obesity and related illnesses, cancer, and hypertension. The monetary expenditure on these conditions is escalating at rates that neither individuals nor payor agencies are able to sustain. Finally, in Nancy Addison’s book, How to be a Healthy Vegetarian, second edition, both the health care provider and lay person have an easy to understand resource in reversing the course of preventable disease. Increasing lifespan and quality of daily activities through better decision making in daily dietary choices is a recipe easily afforded in this time.
One does not have to look far to see the ravaging effects of chronic inflammation on our health. Peripheral neuropathies, vascular diseases, bowel in-competencies, early cognitive decline, memory disturbances, sleep disorders, hypothyroidism, and a variety of other metabolic / endocrine disorders have all been linked in one form or another to chronic inflammation. Chronic fatigue, pain, and generalized muscle weaknesses are more and more associated with nutritionally deficient diets, sedentary lifestyles, and elevated stress hormones. Nancy now offers an authoritative, well researched book that is easy to follow and even easier to apply to even the most hectic of lifestyles. Better dietary choices through better understanding and implementation are vital to preventing and reversing today’s chronic illnesses. Nancy’s style and presentation of expert content and topic is inviting and hospitable. You’ll want to take in every page and consideration. For both the health care provider and lay person alike reading this book will provide new insights for a long and healthy life for yourself and the lives that you impact!
- Michael W. Hall, DC, FIACN has been providing chiropractic services for the past 20+ years. He is a Professor of Neurology in the Clinical Sciences Department at Parker University in Dallas, TX. He is an international speaker on the management and prevention of neurological disorders. He is a Fellow of the International Academy of Chiropractic Neurology and a Diplomat of the American Board of Chiropractic Neurology.
Gary L. Massad M.D. – First National Corporate Medical Director and founder of Occupational Health Centers in America.
Nancy has a powerful and motivating method of implementing changes in your life for rapid improvement in your health. Her subject material is the best information available . She will stay with the program she designs as long as you will, When you take it home it then becomes part of your daily living. Results are fairly dramatic and sustainable. It is a privilege to have been a client as I continue to refer clients to Nancy. I highly recommend her without reservation! Nancy is an expert with high integrity. Great results. Dr. Massad – Head physician at the 1989 World Championships for the United States Cycling Federation in France, attending physician for the United States Cycling Federation (USCF) to the Tour of Texas; Attending physician to the Ironman Man Hawaii; Attending Physician, United States Triathlon Association; Attending Physician United States Tae Kwon Do Association, Attending Physician United States Cycling Federation.
Larry Hagman, was J. R. Ewing in the television show “Dallas” and starred in the television show “I Dream of Jeannie.”
Nancy Addison knows what she is talking about. When I first started eating vegetarian food, I was hungry all of the time. Then I met Nancy and started eating her food. Nancy’s food is really, really, really delicious and now I feel full and satisfied! I never in a million years thought I would be eating this kind of food and loving it! I used to eat steak and eggs for breakfast, barbecue pork for lunch, and fried catfish for dinner. Now, I have embraced Nancy’s philosophy of healthy food. For me at 80, this sounded like an enormous undertaking and commitment. Within the first week, I could feel the effects of healthy food and healthy living and am embracing the vegetable world. I have more energy than I ever had, and I feel great. She has opened my eyes to a different world. Once you get used to the intricacy of buying, eating, and preparing healthy food, it is really very simple. With her guidance, you start enjoying life with a whole new perspective. After eating Nancy’s food for only five days, my blood sugar and my blood pressure were at the most optimum levels, on a consistent basis, for the first time in 16 years. Nancy you are an inspiration to me. Thanks so much for being such a great teacher. I always say: Don’t worry, be happy, and feel good. I believe in Nancy so much, that I will even pay you to enjoy her book.
“Nancy saved Larry’s life.” – Linda Gray
Jimmy Wynne – Pet Health Counseling
Jimmy Wynne – Trustee at Texas Health Resources
I met with Nancy about 10 months ago concerning my dog’s health. I told her about our dog Remi, a German Sheppard mix, who seemed to have severe arthritis in his hip. He seemed to be in excruciating pain as her could barely walk up the steps and loosing a lot weight. Nancy suggested a supplement for him to take twice a day. I bought it and started him on it. We had no problem getting him to take it. After 2-3 weeks his walking was back to normal, gained his weight back, grew a beautiful coat and now is back to chasing squirrels in our backyard. I highly recommend Nancy to anyone needing help with their animals whether they are house pets or horses. She is also a certified wildlife rehabilitator and really knows her animal diets and facts! Thank you Nancy for helping our Remi, it is a blessing what you have done for him! April 20, 2016, Jimmy was Nancy’s client – testimonygiven on linked in April 20, 2016.
Jimmy Wynne
“I met with Nancy Addison 10 months ago and have been following her counseling advice since then.
I have now lost over 32 pounds. I also have osteoarthritis in my left ankle which I broke some 25 years ago. After a hard day of walking on it, I would need a cane or crutch the next day
Nancy started me on a supplement for my ankle and after 2 months I was in considerably less pain and I’m not needing a cane or crutch any longer.
Nancy helped me to grocery shop as well and explained what types of foods to buy and how to really check the labeling when shopping. She brings her common sense approach with her nutritional expertise to everyday eating.
I highly recommend Nancy Addison as the best healthy life counselor for anyone needing help with their nutrition, health and well-being.
Since I have been taking her advice I have not been sick in the last 10 months. As a 62 year oldmaleI haven’t felt this well in years and I will continue her outstanding suggestions for living a healthy lifestyle.
Thank you so much Nancy. You have been a God send!”
Linda Gray, was Sue Ellen Ewing in the TV show Dallas, as well as staring in many other movies, shows and magazines.
I learned a lot from Nancy’s class! I had been very intimidated to prepare raw food recipes, but looking, learning and trying it in Nancy’s class made it easy. The things we made were delicious. What I learned about the benefits of raw food and its preparation will impact my life. I will definitely start integrating more of it into my diet. The class was fun and encouraging. Nancy is sweet and whole-hearted in her teaching. She is an inspiration to me and I will recommend her to my friends and family!
Leslee Feiwus
“I am a diabetic and I was so sick and tired of feeling sick and tired that after listening to an acquaintance talk about being on a raw food diet I decided that that was the only way for me to go. I wanted to reverse my diabetes and cure all my other health issues and get off all of my medications. I found Nancy through an article someone wrote about her in a health magazine. Since I started working with Nancy I have lost 22 pounds. It is like the weight is just melting off of me. I’m losing inches because my clothes don’t fit and the clothes I couldn’t get into fit and are starting to get too big.
My skin is glowing and my wrinkles are smoothing out. I have to pee less now and my bowels have straightened out. I go into a deep REM sleep at night and wake up much rested on less sleep. I have more energy and clarity of mind. My corneas aren’t swollen anymore so my eyesight has improved. I have lost all my cravings for sweets and junk foods and have no hunger. My nails and hair are growing faster, I have no body odor, my ankles and hands aren’t swelling, I’m not producing excess mucous in my body, my skin is very hydrated, I’m not having plaque on my teeth, I’m not hyper stressed out or out of control anymore; I’m mellow, even keeled, more patient, happy, not worried, but now peaceful and calm.
Once I put everything in place, my blood sugars dropped like a rocket so low that I had to call my Dr. She took me off of my Byetta medication, and hopefully next week I will be off my oral medication too! Nancy has been knowledgeable, encouraging, extremely helpful and patient with me.
Nancy always has great discussions with me and brought me helpful gifts and recipes to help me on my way. Nancy always told me to take baby steps and that is how we proceeded. Change can be difficult and challenging, it is also very personal; so small increments at a time help make it something that can actually be incorporated into life.
Nancy gave me a health book and excellent cookbook, which became my bible for raw food eating. Nancy was always there with moral support, suggestions, and information in follow-up emails and phone calls. While my transition to raw food was filled with confusion and lots of learning,
Nancy made it fun and easy. Although it took me 5 months for the whole raw food concept to be understood and put into place, I COULD NOT have done it without Nancy’s help. I highly recommend Nancy to anyone who is seeking to learn more about health, weight loss or raw food nutrition and how to integrate it to make it sustainable for life.
Continued update: As of now, 2 months later, I am down 33 pounds and still losing. I just eat what I’m supposed to eat and the weight just melts off. My diabetic test A1c went from 6.9 to 5.9 in 3 months (anything below 6.0 is non diabetic) and still lowering. I am still experimenting with making gourmet raw food for a once a week treat and letting everyone try them. Otherwise, I eat simple meals.
Sibella Publications
Sibella Publications said this about my writing: “Her words and phrasing are written with more than insight –– also a bit of wit and intrigue. Kept us reading! Clear and heartfelt message. She expresses herself clearly without being overbearing.” April 3, 2017
Christine, Nancy Addison’s manicurist, who is from Vietnam has read Nancy’s books and loves them, even though English is her second language.
Mia Seminoff Davis
Mia Seminoff Davis posted this on facebook:
Today the National Charity League, Highlander Chapter had the most amazing speaker at our monthly Patroness meeting! If you have not heard #1 bestselling author of How To Be A Healthy Vegetarian, Nancy Gibbons Addison speak you should go to her web sight organichealthylifestyle.com. And find out more about her fantastic knowledge of health and nutrition. She has written 7 amazing books, has been on countless radio and television shows and is an endless wealth of information to get you and your family healthy through healthy nutrition! Thank you Nancy for a wonderful informative meeting!
Click here to view one of the audience members video testimony.

Mary Russell
“With the endless amount of health information, claims, diet strategies, and advice on the market, it is crucial to turn to an expert.
Nancy Addison has dedicated her whole life to health and nutrition consulting, seeking knowledge from the best health experts, supporting her research with scientific evidence, and helping people heal from their illnesses.
Nancy’s latest book, Diabetes and Your Diet, is an essential guide to healthy living. The book offers in depth explanations of the key components of a healthy diet for optimal nutrition.
The book is well organized and you will not want to put it down!
Whether it is a gift for a friend or loved one, or a personal item, this book is well worth the investment.”
– Mary Russell
Cathy Phelan
The Bluffview Garden Club thanks you for the exceptional program today. The scope of your knowledge and expertise was obvious and inspiring. We are now much more aware of the benefits of organics. Thanks to you.
May you have continued success. Congratulations on the release of your latest best selling book,
“Diabetes And Your Diet.”
Sincerely, Cathy

Click here to see Audrey Stewart’s (the president) video testimony.
Michael W. Hall, DC, FIACN
” Finally, in Nancy Addison’s book, “Diabetes And Your Diet” both the health care provider and lay person have an easy to understand resource in reversing the course of preventable disease. Nancy now offers an authoritative, well researched book that is easy to follow and even easier to apply to even the most hectic of lifestyles. I think that the book is great and should benefit a lot of people!”
Michael W. Hall, DC, FIACN, Executive Director for the NeuroLife Institute on the campus of Life University. He is a Fellow of the International Academy of Chiropractic Neurology and a Diplomat of the American Board of Chiropractic Neurology.
Matthew Howard
Nancy! You are super-kind, and I think the work you are doing is important on more levels than just nutrition, as it touches on health, the environment, and kindness to animals. I am so glad Barbara referred you to me for help getting RHC together.
Let’s keep making awesome books together!
Matthew Howard
Author. Editor. Book Designer.
S. Doyle
S. Doyle |
I just finished reading your monthly newsletter for June, and
I LOVE everything in your newsletter!! You have such interesting topics.
The recipe is awesome and light for summer…
I can’t wait to make the Avocado Salad dressing!
Nancy, I also love listening to your internet radio show on W4CY Radio every Tuesday at 2pm, and I always learn something new and wonderful from you about making my body healthier!
Today’s show was amazing, because you talked about eating healthy foods and cleansing your body on a regular basis.
Thank you for your inspiration, and for sharing your incredible insight into the various ways to achieve maximum health.
I’ll be listening next Tuesday at 2pm!
Stacy Varner Meade
Thank you for speaking tonight at the Cancer Support Community Center. It was fantastic and insightful!! I learned so much. I am also enjoying reading your book you personally signed for me right now. Just soaking up this knowledge. I am picking out some recipes from it to try!!! Yipee!
Christy Balencia
“Dear Nancy,
I can say that at age 50, my husband is looking the best he has looked in years because he is now playing tennis nearly every other day, & after being in a low moment where he could barely walk due to sciatic issues, it’s great to see his transformation as a result of reading your book, putting your eating healthier guidelines to work, and taking the liquid biocell (which gets rid of joint pain, helps heal the ligaments and tissue, provides energy, endurance and helps with recovery, etc.). Thank you for helping us with that and helping us order it to get the right version and the best price.
We are eating more plants based foods as well and much less meat. So it’s probably all of your suggestions together that are adding up to his improved health! Bless you! You’ve given him his quality of life back!”
Pamela Suzette Honeycutt
I had so much fun shopping and learning at Whole Foods with Nancy Gibbons Addison and Pamela Suzette Honeycutt. I’ll be 50 in a few weeks and have decided I need to live a healthier life on all levels and clean eating is a big goal. Nancy’s tour, guidance and teaching were invaluable and so helpful to that goal. She’s not your normal nutritionist. You’re basically getting access to her lifetime of knowledge and experience so you don’t have to go out and recreate the wheel. If you want to learn and have fun doing it!
I highly recommend Nancy Addison’s services!
UPDATE, August 26, 2016
My counselor, Debra, may be calling you and sending you a client. I shared your number with her and your newsletter/FB page.
Many people at school have noted how good I look. Say my coloring is great and I have a glow about me. You truly saved me, Nancy! Thank you
Jennifer McCullough
Jennifer Ellard McCullough added a new photo to Nancy Addison – Organic Healthy Life‘s timeline — with Pamela Suzette Honeycutt and Nancy Gibbons Addison.
Today my friend Pamela Suzette Honeycutt and I had a very informative walk through and counseling session at Whole Foods with Nancy Gibbons Addison. I’ve always wanted to do this. I’m intimated shopping there because of the overwhelming number of choices. Her guidance and teaching showed me it’s not so difficult as I thought it would be to make healthy choices. I’m on a new healthy living and eating journey and today I took several baby steps on that path.
I highly recommend Nancy Addison’s services!
Dr. Daniel Strader
Dr. Daniel Strader, a holistic dentist in Dallas, puts my blog articles on his blog and promotes my book: “Raising Healthy Children!”
“Nancy Addison published a brilliant book Raising Healthy Children. One especially important chapter towards the end of the book lists some great and affordable ways to clean that are nontoxic. Nontoxic Household Cleaners
We would highly recommend picking up a copy of Raising Health Children. There are many good healthy recipes as well as other helpful hints.
straderdds@msn.com’s blog: http://www.2grin.com/nontoxic-household-cleaners.html
Dawn Matheson, Executive Director, Mom’s Choice Awards
“We are happy to award deserving products like Raising Healthy Children,” said Dawn Matheson, Executive Director, Mom’s Choice Awards. “Our panel of judges really felt this book merited a place on our list of the best in family-friendly products that parents and educators can feel confident in using.” MomsChoiceAwards.com
Kimberly Wechsler About Bladder Cancer
Hi Nancy, I wrote this recommendation of your work that you can include on your profile. Thanks, Kimberly http://www.linkedin.com/recs/received
Kimberly Wechsler put this testimony on Linked in – “My husband and I highly recommend Nancy when it comes to health and nutrition. My husband has had stage 4 bladder cancer and we didn’t want to fool around or waste anytime in fighting his cancer. Nancy set up a dietary plan including other lifestyle changes, for us to follow and we followed it to as closely as we could. We did combine her guidelines with chemotherapy for his bladder. I am happy to say he is cancer free, MD Anderson said to us, whatever you are doing beside the chemo, stay the course & and we did and continue to do so now. I believe we must stay one step ahead of cancer and we will continue to follow Nancy & her guidelines, it has become part of our new lifestyle! ” Kimberly said if anyone would like to ask her about my counseling, she would be happy to talk to them.
http://www.linkedin.com/recs/received Kimberly Wechsler, CHHC, AADP, CPT, is a popular and recognizable Family Fitness Specialist
Candace Stone Concerning Her Dog With Cancer At [4:52] PM, Candace Stone said the following:
Hi Nancy,
I wrote this recommendation of your work that you can include on your profile.
Thanks, Candace
“My dog Chloe was diagnosed with lymphoma the summer of 2013. The oncologist predicted she had three to six months to live and that was with medication or chemo. Since Chloe had no symptoms, I decided to forego medical treatment and change her diet instead. I immediately called Nancy, because she not only advises people on how to eat, but she understands better than anyone I know what our pets need to thrive as well. Nancy is also an animal diet expert and counselor. Thanks to Nancy’s specific instructions on what I needed to feed Chloe, my sweet dog just turned 10 and still shows no signs of cancer. Chloe is happy, vibrant, runs, plays, chases squirrels and loves life. Nancy, thank you so much for all of your support and for believing Chloe could be healed. “
Jimmy Gomes- Vice President, Forever Resorts
“Nancy, gave a presentation for my group, she was very professional, informative and her passion and her knowledge was incredible. There were many people that have changed their lifestyles for a more healthier way thanks to Nancy. We bought her books for all of our resort managers. We want our resort’s restaurants to implement the healthful cooking techniques, recipes and nutritional information that she teaches. I recommend her to any group or organization that is looking for a motivational, dynamic and meaningful speaker.”
Click here to see my video testimony.
Jimmy Gomes- Vice President, Forever Resorts
Kathy McDaniel
Posted on my facebook page: April 3, 2016-
“Dear Nancy, I just wanted to say thank you! Your counseling session with me by phone was fantastic! I’ve ordered your book and bought all the health foods you suggested. My symptoms were better right away! I have hope for the first time in 7 months. May God Bless you! ♡ Kathy McDaniel”
Tim Durkin
“It is an outstanding book Nancy. Absolutely full of important nutritional information. Some,of which goes against current (and erroneous) thinking. I.e. protein, soy etc. the book is worth far more than the price you put on it.” – Tim Durkin- Healthcare Leadership Training – http://www.timdurkin.com/
Tanis Cornell
November 2015
This video was taken after working with Nancy for about 4 months.
Click Here for the link to my video testimony!
Update in email – May 1, 2016:
“After receiving an unexpected diagnosis of early stage Multiple Myeloma in February of 2012, I began to do a lot of research to see what proactive measures I could take to slow down or halt the progression of the cancer. My research convinced me that a great deal can be done through diet and nutrition and I began to work with Nancy in the summer of 2015, after a friend referred her to me.
I thought I knew a lot about nutrition before working with Nancy, but she really opened my eyes.
Nancy helped me put a personalized plan together that I could embrace. Over the last year I’ve dramatically cut down on my consumption of certain foods and moved to the ones Nancy recommended as much as possible. I haven’t even followed her whole plan completely. I still enjoy an occasional treat, but true to Nancy’s words, I lost the cravings after a month of being on her plan.
One problem I had been having was cramps in my feet almost every night. It would wake me up and was worse on days I wore heels. The cramping in my feet got better very quickly after starting on Nancy’s program. It’s really made a difference. Nancy has a way of taking complicated information and making it easy to understand.
We focused on a diet that would enhance my immune system and I’m happy to say that my cancer has remained stable with no progression.
I feel great, have lots of energy and continue to live my life to the fullest. I’ve found Nancy to be a caring and supportive cheerleader in my journey!”
Warm regards,
Tanis Cornell
Mary Jo Rausch – Rejuvenation Retreat
What a fabulous week! It was a “Trip of a life time”. Being with Nancy Addison on one her Nutritional Retreats in Nicaragua was a blessing for me. She is a terrific teacher and food expert! Actually “mind/body” wellness would better describe the week. Learning to breathe, relax, meditate as well as taking time in life to choose what we put in our mouths and to prepare it! Nicaragua and the Emerald Coast were so magical! Not only did we have fabulous food and a wonderful time we all were blessed to have two spectacular rainbows. In the evening the stars were spectacular. We saw the Milky Way. I have not seen that in over 20 years! Also, the wild life in the forest was a treat! We saw monkeys, turtles, fish, crabs, white squirrels, eagles, many beautiful birds and donkeys and cattle crossing the roads right in front of us. The nature in Nicaragua was beautiful! Wasn’t ready to go home after 7 days. Wish I could have stayed longer! Nancy is truly amazing. She has the patience and experience to listen and to teach people how to eat a healthier and balanced diet! Teaching our group how to eat healthy with fresh and organic foods and showing our group how to prepare and make healthy meals! Everyone has health and diet issues and she was able to balance those needs specifically to each person on the retreat. Nancy has written wonderful books with the recipes included to help people with all sorts of diet needs. Having to plug back into the real world and the time restrictions we all have – Nancy showed us how to balance our diets and to listen to our bodies more. I would highly recommend anyone to read her books, go on one of her retreats, or contact her for improving ones healthy and diet! Thank you Nancy! With Love, Mary Jo Rausch
John Raymond
“Anyone interested in improving body, mind and soul through organic diet enhancement will find Nancy Addison’s guide to a healthy vegetarian lifestyle informative, practical and most of all easy to comprehend. Nancy’s clear, no nonsense manner of communication reduces decades of learning, experience and dietary success to a manual that is very user friendly. She provides explanations for her suggestions that ring of a veracity that is hard to come by in this field. Her work is thought provoking and will rapidly bring the reader of this valuable volume into the garden and kitchen where the application of her work begins and your path to improvement commences. The first time you try any one of her suggested recipes, your senses will be filled with joy as the aromas come from the oven, stove top or blender. You won’t be disappointed.”
Tonya Prince- National Association of Professional Women
“I engaged Nancy Addison to be the speaker at our National Association of Professional Women’s meeting. Everyone was thrilled with her engaging and delightful keynote. I have YET to stop speaking of her as a beautiful person, her life’s experience she shared, and expertise in health and wellness. I felt truly blessed to have her with us and I’ve been buried in her book ever since. For the first time in a very loooooong time I am more conscious about what I put in my body. I feel like I’ve had the awakening I needed at the right moment. Nancy’s spirit and the gift Nancy shares with the world is priceless. I can go on and on about Nancy. She is great; I loved the talk. The cutting edge health and nutrition information was incredibly relative to what my group needed to learn for improving their health. I am looking forward to having her speak for our group again. ~with my blessing!”
Elizabeth Conn
“Nancy’s book is fascinating. I can’t put it down! It’s changing my life. As a breast cancer survivor, I’m eager to learn as much as I can about nutrition, but much of the material I’ve seen is overwhelming or kind of tiresome to plow through. Nancy’s book is clearly written and well organized and explains many concepts that I did not know. This book makes converting to a vegetarian lifestyle seem very appealing and possible and even offers easy-to -follow recipes like Gibb’s sandwich. I’ve lost 5 pounds in the last four days just following some of the suggestions in the book. I think practically anyone could benefit from reading this book.” -Elizabeth Conn-Atlanta, Ga
Carleigh Smith – Programs Coordinator at The Metropolitan Cooking & Entertainng Show
“It was a pleasure to have Nancy Addison as a presenter in the Tasting & Entertaining Workshops area at MetroCooking Dallas. Nancy’s professionalism and positive attitude made her a pleasure to work with. She demonstrated her knowledge in great depth through engaging workshops and we have already asked her to return next year!” Sincerely, Carleigh Smith – Programs & Special Projects Coordinator at TheMetropolitan Cooking & Entertaining Show
Callan Harrison
” I love this book! I stayed up half the night reading it. I couldn’t put it down! It is packed with so much great information. It all makes so much sense and it is easy to read.”
Tim Durkin – Seneca Leadership Programs
“I loved Nancy’s presentation and look forward to attending another one. Implementing her suggestions from the seminar and her exceptional book produced great results quickly for me. I also highly recommend her to speak for other organizations. Her presentations are full of brilliant nuggets and gems. In short they are awesome!”
Katie Irwin -Leader to Luminary Training
Nancy Addison is SO much more than an expert. She is a food, health and well-being MASTER. I have worked with many nutritionists and holistic practitioners, yet Nancy is who I call to get my answers. She is my Trusted Advisor. She has so much wisdom, that has transformed my life, my energy and my health~ and the lives of so many. I find myself giving health advice to people in my life, and I hear again and again- where did this information come from? And it all came from the same incredibly abundant source, Nancy Addison. I am so blessed to have her in my life.
Hannah Psalm, University Student
“In just ten days of implementing Nancy’s program, I lost weight, had more energy, slept soundly, and just felt happier, more positive, and confident. Best of all, I don’t feel a need to take the adderall any longer! I hadn’t felt this way in years! Prior to this, I was depressed, isolated from my friends, and on the verge of giving up hope because I didn’t know where to turn anymore. Since I started working with Nancy, I now have a new motivation that is leading me to my success in this new healthy lifestyle.”
Bob Fanucchi, actor/ producer, Dream River Films LLC
“I have followed Nancy’s counseling advice and now weigh in at 205 lbs. total weigh loss is 59 lbs. I feel great and people are telling me I look good. Thank you Nancy!”

Cindy Herb
“At Nancy’s seminar, the day went by so fast! That is always an indication of a great speaker and presenter. Nancy is awesome! The whole day was great and Nancy were so open to us! The seminar was enjoyable and I was astounded at how much information and research was presented. Nancy, you really know your stuff! I highly recommend Nancy for her seminars and her health counseling. I love that she is very sharing and loves to share with others. I learned so much I am still trying to digest it all. Having her book, really helps. I would like all of my best friends to come to Nancy’s seminars!”
Beth Morgan – The Medical Bill Detective www.MedicalBillDetectives.com
“Nancy’s knowledge of nutrition and nutritional foods illuminates a path for the unhealthy eater to a new healthier life and lifestyle. Her gentle methods showed me how to eat healthier and in a fun, enjoyable way. I highly recommend her and her ideas.”
Anna Armstrong
“Nancy taught me so much in her class. I have multiple sclerosis and have wanted to eat healthier, but I felt it was too hard to change my diet. After her class, I am very motivated to start the change. The food she made was easy to make and very delicious. Nancy’s class was very fun, she makes you feel at home and she is very personable. She made us laugh with her stories. She is very encouraging. She would tell us about the food she is using, the nutrients and the vitamins. She showed us just how easy it is to prepare the food, and also told us why it is important to eat this way.”
Tom Fagadau – President/CEO of Primexx Energy Partners
I love hanging out with Nancy. She is brilliant and she knows more about nutrition than anyone I have ever met. As a result of her expertise, guidance and encouragement, I have made fantastic changes in my health.
Carrie Moore
“I had such a great time at your seminar. I learned so much! Please send me updates on new classes you will host. I would love to meet with you for a one to one visits for health counseling, in the future.”
Sir Earl Toon – Member of the singing group: Kool & The Gang
Nancy, you are such a very special, unique person. You see the world in such a loving way. Having people like you makes the world a better place. The world needs people like you
Jan J. Goss, MD
I am writing a letter of recommendation for Nancy Addison. I have known Nancy since 1993. She is a very well educated young woman who is constantly adding to her already extensive knowledge. Over the last several years she has taken courses and educated herself in the field of nutrition, in particular organic nutrition. Knowing Nancy as I do she will be a great addition to any wellness program she undertakes. She is sensible, not extreme, and puts a tremendous amount of thought and time into her projects. She is polite, timely, and very conscientious.
Susan Williams – Flagstaff Arizona
I lost a whole dress size in just two weeks and I didn’t even try! I just implemented the suggestions Nancy made and lost the weight without even thinking about it! I feel wonderful, I am now aware and open to all the ways to achieve good health. I lost this weight after working with Nancy and following her suggestions. As a person challenged with health problems, Nancy has opened my eyes to certain ways to eat healthier with ease and enjoyment. Nancy makes it understandable, while also making it realistic and comfortable for me. And the best part is: I feel great and I am still losing weight! I will never have to be on a diet ever again, because now I now know how to eat well for my health!”
Brenda S. Blake- Chief Financial Officer- Crow Finance & Reality
t is my privilege to have worked with Nancy Addison as my personal nutritionist. I have been on a journey to attain weight loss for several years…on this journey, I have lost over 75 pounds and I have gone from a size 20 to actually wearing a size 10 to a holiday party last year. Nancy and I celebrated that recent accomplishment together. More importantly, Nancy changed my focus from losing weight to attaining, health and wholeness. That is a big paradigm of difference. Nancy focuses on the foundational elements of eating, providing in -depth training for her clients. Knowledge is power and Nancy has an amazing amount of knowledge. We started our first session at Whole Foods filling my cart with things I didn’t even know existed. I have an entire notebook of handouts and several reference books that were Nancy’s gift to me. It is a lot of material to absorb and it takes time to change lifetime patterns but I can still hear Nancy’s encouraging voice: You can do this. My knowledge about what are healthy choices has increased; there is not a single day that goes by that I do not use knowledge that I gained while I was a client. I have tried many programs and read many books but there are several things that set my time with Nancy apart from anything else I’ve experienced: First, She provides enthusiastic support and encouragement and genuinely cares about her clients and their success. Second, her approach is holistic-uniquely combining mind, body, and spirit with exercises to change focus, take risks, reduce stress, and engage internal silent power. Third, she provides the tools; but it is up to each of us to use these tools and not sabotage our own efforts. I think the most important element of change for me, however, was an awareness of my body type. With that realization, a level of positive body image I’ve never felt before became fully grounded. It helped me embrace that I am strong and powerful like an athlete- not thin and delicate like a fashion model ( the image I was striving to attain). That is a gift that will forever set me free to accept myself as I was created to be. As Nancy always says, You cannot not know what you know once you know it. Thank you Nancy for giving me the tools I needed to empower me to live a life of health and wholeness.
Bob Fanucchi – Producer, Director and Actor of Dream River
Nancy’s seminar was an excellant presentation! I have her book, but there is nothing like being there in person and hearing her speak. There is so much great information and I feel like the great information was imported to me with humor and amazing presentation. I wish she could present her program to the Endeavor Cinema group. I love the gentle spirit of Nancy’s speaking. There was so much information that I am not sure where to start in saying how much I learned! Nancy’s program integrates perfectly with my naturopathic lifestyle and my martial arts.”
Susan Doyle
Nancy Addison has helped me immensely in the areas of nutrition and health.I have always believed in proper nutrition and I have taken good care of my body, but I have struggled with the best way to accomplish this. There is so much information regarding health out there, that I became totally overwhelmed. After meeting Nancy and working with her, I began to see a clear path to my goal. • Nancy is an unbelievable inspiration and example. With her passionate and enthusiastic approach, and her confidence from having lived the way of life she teaches, she taught me the steps to achieve pure radiant health. • Among these were the proper way to detox, how to combine foods, and how to help my body become more balanced through proper breathing and many other helpful tools. I have never felt better in my entire life, and I have unbelievable energy. She has given me recipes for food preparation that have nourished my body and cleared my mind. I wake up rested and energized. My immune system is stronger than ever. Nancy has given me a tremendous foundation to keep my body in balance and maintain optimum health and vitality. I highly recommend Nancy Addison to help you learn how to improve and renew your health for life. If you have any questions, please contact me at travelpogo@hotmail.com.
Dr. Mike Taylor – Shreveport, LA
One of the things I love about Nancy is her approach is about balance. I love the way Nancy teaches. It is informative and relaxed. Fantastic class. I brought my wife and friends with me. It was great doing it as a group.
Susan Doyle
Nancy, I think of you as…….inspirational… encouraging… compassionate… caring… and from the heart. You show goodness and kindness to everyone you meet…. You are calm and patient… you are thoughtful and helpful… you are cheerful and enthusiastic… you are the best… Love, Susan
Kimberly Wechsler, President of Fit American Families
Kaaydah Schatten – a founding member of
“Nancy is an inspiration to me and has helped me turn my life around and overcome a lifelong fear of cooking. Nancy, is a fabulous teacher and makes nutrition easy to learn, in all aspects. She taught me how to take care of myself, so that I can enjoy life to the fullest.” – Kaaydah Schatten
Susan barber
Nancy Addison has influenced me in more than I can even begin to express about how I now see eating for health and happiness. I have seen her cook in such ways that I had not witnessed before in my life and now, because of her great influence, I cook and eat so much more differently and am greatly benefitting from these acknowledgements as we speak. Most of us have been taught wrong and she has an innate ability that comes from truth and beauty of life. I know so many people, and she is and has been the only one that I have met with such caring and knowledge in her field. I will always highly recommend her gifts and talents to whomever I meet and wants health and interesting eating in their lives.
Kaylene Clark
Before I started this program I didn’t have the tools to know how to relax and destress. While working with Nancy I have learned to breathe deep everyday and take time for myself. I am an important person. Now that I have finished the 6 week program I am excited to use what I have learned in shopping, cooking, eating, and living; not just for me, but for my family as well. I am an going to be an example to other people, friends and strangers. I just need to keep practicing what I have learned on a daily basis. Nancy is a wonderful person with a wealth of knowledge. She is the most positive person I have ever known.
Tracy Scotch
I started working with Nancy in order to get healthier. She made a particular suggestion in our first session. When I made that one change in my diet, I found (to my surprise) that my acid reflux disappeared! I had tried taking several over the counter drugs, but nothing had ever worked. I was amazed and so exited to be free of the acid reflux – and I was so surprised my doctor had never recommended it. It also helped my allergies and helped me sleep better. Thank you Nancy for helping me to sleep better, have more energy, and become acid-reflux free!
When I first met Nancy I was in a slump. Going through a long separation and a number of health problems. I wasn’t paying attention to my health or diet. I was eating all of the wrong foods, drinking and smoking too much. Exercise was non existent. I was on a down hill spiral, sinking further and further. When we met I was immediately hypnotized by that gorgeous smile and piercing blue eyes. I felt the warmth radiating from her. She was so healthy and happy. I had to know more. Little did I realize how she would forever change my life. Not one to forgo a challenge she undertook to help me turn my life around. I began my education into what was the right dietary and supplemental needs that I should be following. During the process I had been experiencing a number of lingering, hard to recover from colds. She jumped onto solutions and preventions for these through non-prescription or medical methods. I still have a long road to hoe towards full recovery. But I went through the first winter and flu season in over five years with no flu shot and no illness. As well I have been inspired to start a regular exercise and walking/jogging regime which has me losing weight and re-strengthening my body. I am eating healthier and continuing the supplements. Thank you for being who you are and being my angel when I needed you.
Rebekah – Dallas, Texas
Nancy has helped me in so many ways with her wealth of knowledge from so many areas, as I have been going for cancer treatment and dealing with health challenges this last year. I have given her name and phone number to my friends, so she could help them. It is helpful and rewarding to have her to talk to and have as support. I told her she needed to do group workshops, raw food cuisine and cooking classes or counseling at places like Gilda’s Club. She could help so many people with health questions and challenges. I recommend her services as a nutrition and health counselor.
William Booth
Following several visits to the hospital I began to take a serious look at my eating habits. I was successful in dropping over forty pounds. At this point I had reached a plateau. After months of no change I happen to meet Nancy Addison. She has been instrumental in jump starting my weight loss again. More importantly, I am losing weight without being hungry or feeling tired. Today, I am down over fifty pounds and still losing. My goal is in sight and with Nancy’s valuable help, I’m sure I will be successful.
Nancy, I want to tell you what an amazing person you are in absolutely every way. You are beautiful, kind, smart, talented …in art, raw cooking, gardening, helping save animals, and a million other ways I don’t even know about…you are fun to be around, you are thoughtful, energetic, and you have the most beautiful heart I have ever known.
Kaaydah Schatten
Nancy is an inspiration to me and has helped me turn my life around and overcome a lifelong fear of cooking. Nancy is a fabulous teacher and makes nutrition easy to learn, in all aspects. She taught me how to take care of myself, so that I can enjoy life to the fullest.
Jason Moore Polson
I have recently participated in a couple of raw food classes and this one was the best I have ever attended. Nancy did a great job sharing her knowledge and passion of food and its benefits. She was such a fantastic teacher, that I had her come up to Montana to teach it at our weekend retreats on a regular basis. I look forward to the continuous development of my relationship with her.
Karen and Mike Taylor
My husband and I really enjoyed Nancy’s seminar. It was informative, interesting and really alot of fun! My husband and I are so inspired by the natural way of eating. Nancy is a great instructor and has a passion for living a healthy lifestyle. We share this passion as well. We drove all the way from Shreveport, Louisiana for her seminar and it was well worth the drive!”
Willie Richardson
Great whole food preparation experience! This is a must! All of the recipes were excellant. I look forward to growing and taking additional classes. Thank you very much Nancy. I really appreciate your personal touch and experiences which made this class very special. May God continue to richly bless you.
Bill Booth – Director- Tequila Rocks Films
When I met Nancy, I was eating the normal American diet. In fact I was raised on fast food and had some serious health conditions that I was dealing with. I was not used to eating in a healthy way. I thought apples weren’t really very sweet or very good. Working with Nancy and making a few changes slowly in my diet; food started tasting differently for me. Apples suddenly tasted so sweet and delicious. Nancy has taught me how to eat well and really enjoy it. I have learned how to take control of my health and diet. She makes it easy and it makes sense. I finally have control over my health and diet for the first time in my life. I am losing weight and feel so much better. I highly recommend Nancy as a health counselor and cooking teacher.
Callan Harrison
” I love this book! I stayed up and read almost half of it last night. I couldn’t put it down! It is packed with so much great information. It all makes so much sense and it is easy to read.”
Tracey Shaw
” Nancy’s seminar is packed with stories, examples and great information. They are so much fun! I have learned so much. I have attended more than one! I brought my husband to two of them! This is really a lifestyle change and Nancy helps you learn how to do it with some flexibility and understanding. I am putting it into practice! I highly recommend Nancy’s seminars! I learn something new at each one.”
Joann Miller
“Meeting Nancy has changed my life. I read about her in the newspaper and bought her book. It was fantastic, even though I don’t consider myself a vegetarian. I have been really ill and needed some help immediately. There is nothing like her personal one on one counseling. She is so insightful, kind and inspirational. I have made enormous progress with healing my body. I have lost weight easily: I sleep better; I have more energy: and the list goes on! I highly recommend Nancy for her health and nutrition counseling. Best money I ever invested in myself.”
Ania Joy
Nancy’s authentic passion for well-being & holistic health of body and spirit is contagious. Her approach is of a good and caring friend who wants to share her wealth of information in order to inspire you to live a better healthier and more satisfying life. A meeting with her always leaves me with plenty of food for thought and enthusiasm to take action.
Kate Kelton
I learned a lifetime of nutrition tips that will change my life forever. Eat a rainbow every day is Nancy’s advice for eating a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables for a healthy life! And the best of all – actually grow a backyard garden for the freshest vegetables!!
Jane Smith
Nancy Addison is well informed and passionate about good nutrition. I was quite impressed with the breadth of her knowledge and her ability to address the specific dietary needs of myself and my family members. She was even able to help me indulge my taste for chocolate in a very healthy way without using sugar !!
Bill Plaster
Nancy Addison’s impressive collection of knowledge on the negative effects of sugar and it’s vast infiltration of America’s food supply is informative and educational. She shares practical advice on how we can help ourselves live healthier and live longer.
Junia Gibbons
I really enjoyed Nancy’s Sugar Talk and thought it was very informative. When she held up the glass with the sugar in it comparing it to how much is in a canned soft drink, I was amazed. There was a lot of other things I found of interest also, like how little the public really knows about sugar substitutes. Nancy made it very interesting and gave me a lot to think about.
Kathleen Hayden
Nancy taught me about eating for optimum health and she gave me some recipes. My son and I made her recipes every morning and it literally changed my life! I couldn’t believe how much better I felt immediately. It was so easy. Nancy is amazing. She doesn’t just tell you things to do; she actually does them herself. She is a wealth of knowledge about health, nutrition, the environment, children, travel, wellness, exercise, gardening, animals, art, and the list goes on. When I am around her, she inspires me to be a better person.
Patricia O’Sullivan
Patricia O’Sullivan I am loving your soups! I’ve been making them and enjoying them a few times a week. Thanks for the great recipes! I made the asparagus/sweet potato one for my friends last week and it was a huge hit. Your smoothie recipe was my staple in the states!
Mia Davis
I just wanted you to know that you inspired me yesterday to try and serve my family healthier meals! I went to the store and bought lots of great veggie’s (no peas) and also bought High Heat Virgin Coconut oil and also some grape seed oil. I am not really sure I know what I am doing but I will keep trying to make some small changes that will hopefully change the big picture gradually.
You are an inspiration!
Beth Morgan – The Medical Bill Detective -As seen in Oprah Magazine
“Nancy’s knowledge of nutrition and nutritional foods illuminates a path for the unhealthy eater to a new healthier life and lifestyle. Her gentle methods showed me how to eat healthier and in a fun, enjoyable way. I highly recommend her book and her ideas.”
You are an inspiration!
Julianne Parker PC
I’ve spent about an hour glancing through your book. OMG — IT IS PHENOMENAL!!!!!! Very professional, very informative, easy to understand, tons of information. I am AMAZED at all the information contained therein.
Gaby Fernandez – high
” I loved Nancy’s presentation today. It was very interesting, funny and helpful! It was so informative! I learned so much new information, especially about food! I am so happy I came today!”
Maryann De Leo — Academy Award Winner, two- time Emmy and Telly Award Winner for documentary films
Nancy does everything with love, I know her heart and soul are in this book, with lots of love for everyone to live a healthy happy life!
Bob Fanucchi
” I loved Nancy’s presentation today. It was very interesting, funny and helpful! It was so informative! I learned so much new information, especially about food! I am so happy I came today!”
Mary Anne Fernandez – Medical Librarian at Scottish Rite a Pediatric
Nancy’s seminar was exceptional! Nancy is passionate about what she presents. I like the fact that she carefully explains all of the facts behind the diet information. It was fabulous information. It was enjoyable and Nancy talked slowly and answered questions thoroughly. I would like Nancy to give a presentation at the Hospital. I like the fact that Nancy is real and not judgmental, self righteous or zealous like so many other people who speak on health. I found the cleanse information really eye opening. I learned so much helpful information! I am grateful and thankful and feel very blessed to have learned of Nancy. I highly recommend her seminars and her private counseling. Her book is packed with wonderful information. It is a great resource for anyone wanting to heal their body or get healthier. Nancy was the answer to my prayers in seeking a way to get healthy and stay healthy. In the first week of implementing her suggestions, I have already lost 3 pounds and I feel so much better.
Suzie Humphreys – radio personality, humorist, & motivational
Nancy, your DVDs are fantastic! The recipes are healthy and easy to understand. Those DVDs are high quality and fun to watch! I wish you were on the cooking channel. You should have your own show!
Leslee Feiwus
Since I started working with Nancy I have lost 22 pounds. It is like the weight is just melting off of me. My skin is glowing and my wrinkles are smoothing out. I go into a deep REM sleep at night. I have more energy and clarity of mind.
Katie Irwin, Leader to Luminary Training
Nancy Addison is SO much more than an expert. She is a food, health and well-being MASTER.
Susan Williams
I lost a whole dress size in just two weeks and I didn’t even try! I just implemented the suggestions Nancy made and lost the weight without even thinking about it! I feel wonderful.
Ward Hudspeth
Nancy, your book is inspirational. My friend Debbie gave me your book. It is a masterpiece. I keep your book by my bed and use it as my health bible. I have underlined and highlighted almost all of it. I use your cleanse every day. I feel better than ever. You look prettier than the picture on your book. Thank you so much for writing this incredible book.
Linda Gray, was Sue Ellen Ewing in the TV show Dallas, as well as staring in many other movies, shows and magazines.
I learned a lot from Nancy’s class! I had been very intimidated to prepare raw food recipes, but looking, learning and trying it in Nancy’s class made it easy. The things we made were delicious. What I learned about the benefits of raw food and its preparation will impact my life. I will definitely start integrating more of it into my diet. The class was fun and encouraging. Nancy is sweet and whole-hearted in her teaching. She is an inspiration to me and I will recommend her to my friends and family!
Leslee Feiwus
“I am a diabetic and I was so sick and tired of feeling sick and tired that after listening to an acquaintance talk about being on a raw food diet I decided that that was the only way for me to go. I wanted to reverse my diabetes and cure all my other health issues and get off all of my medications. I found Nancy through an article someone wrote about her in a health magazine. Since I started working with Nancy I have lost 22 pounds. It is like the weight is just melting off of me. I’m losing inches because my clothes don’t fit and the clothes I couldn’t get into fit and are starting to get too big.
My skin is glowing and my wrinkles are smoothing out. I have to pee less now and my bowels have straightened out. I go into a deep REM sleep at night and wake up much rested on less sleep. I have more energy and clarity of mind. My corneas aren’t swollen anymore so my eyesight has improved. I have lost all my cravings for sweets and junk foods and have no hunger. My nails and hair are growing faster, I have no body odor, my ankles and hands aren’t swelling, I’m not producing excess mucous in my body, my skin is very hydrated, I’m not having plaque on my teeth, I’m not hyper stressed out or out of control anymore; I’m mellow, even keeled, more patient, happy, not worried, but now peaceful and calm.
Once I put everything in place, my blood sugars dropped like a rocket so low that I had to call my Dr. She took me off of my Byetta medication, and hopefully next week I will be off my oral medication too! Nancy has been knowledgeable, encouraging, extremely helpful and patient with me.
Nancy always has great discussions with me and brought me helpful gifts and recipes to help me on my way. Nancy always told me to take baby steps and that is how we proceeded. Change can be difficult and challenging, it is also very personal; so small increments at a time help make it something that can actually be incorporated into life.
Nancy gave me a health book and excellent cookbook, which became my bible for raw food eating. Nancy was always there with moral support, suggestions, and information in follow-up emails and phone calls. While my transition to raw food was filled with confusion and lots of learning,
Nancy made it fun and easy. Although it took me 5 months for the whole raw food concept to be understood and put into place, I COULD NOT have done it without Nancy’s help. I highly recommend Nancy to anyone who is seeking to learn more about health, weight loss or raw food nutrition and how to integrate it to make it sustainable for life.
Continued update: As of now, 2 months later, I am down 33 pounds and still losing. I just eat what I’m supposed to eat and the weight just melts off. My diabetic test A1c went from 6.9 to 5.9 in 3 months (anything below 6.0 is non diabetic) and still lowering. I am still experimenting with making gourmet raw food for a once a week treat and letting everyone try them. Otherwise, I eat simple meals.
Sibella Publications
Sibella Publications said this about my writing: “Her words and phrasing are written with more than insight –– also a bit of wit and intrigue. Kept us reading! Clear and heartfelt message. She expresses herself clearly without being overbearing.” April 3, 2017
Christine, Nancy Addison’s manicurist, who is from Vietnam has read Nancy’s books and loves them, even though English is her second language.
Mia Seminoff Davis
Mia Seminoff Davis posted this on facebook:
Today the National Charity League, Highlander Chapter had the most amazing speaker at our monthly Patroness meeting! If you have not heard #1 bestselling author of How To Be A Healthy Vegetarian, Nancy Gibbons Addison speak you should go to her web sight organichealthylifestyle.com. And find out more about her fantastic knowledge of health and nutrition. She has written 7 amazing books, has been on countless radio and television shows and is an endless wealth of information to get you and your family healthy through healthy nutrition! Thank you Nancy for a wonderful informative meeting!
Click here to view one of the audience members video testimony.
Mary Russell
Cathy Phelan
The Bluffview Garden Club thanks you for the exceptional program today. The scope of your knowledge and expertise was obvious and inspiring. We are now much more aware of the benefits of organics. Thanks to you.
May you have continued success. Congratulations on the release of your latest best selling book,
“Diabetes And Your Diet.”
Sincerely, Cathy
Click here to see Audrey Stewart’s (the president) video testimony.
Michael W. Hall, DC, FIACN
” Finally, in Nancy Addison’s book, “Diabetes And Your Diet” both the health care provider and lay person have an easy to understand resource in reversing the course of preventable disease. Nancy now offers an authoritative, well researched book that is easy to follow and even easier to apply to even the most hectic of lifestyles. I think that the book is great and should benefit a lot of people!”
Michael W. Hall, DC, FIACN, Executive Director for the NeuroLife Institute on the campus of Life University. He is a Fellow of the International Academy of Chiropractic Neurology and a Diplomat of the American Board of Chiropractic Neurology.
Matthew Howard
Nancy! You are super-kind, and I think the work you are doing is important on more levels than just nutrition, as it touches on health, the environment, and kindness to animals. I am so glad Barbara referred you to me for help getting RHC together.
Let’s keep making awesome books together!
Matthew Howard
Author. Editor. Book Designer.
S. Doyle
S. Doyle |
I LOVE everything in your newsletter!! You have such interesting topics.
The recipe is awesome and light for summer…
I can’t wait to make the Avocado Salad dressing!
Nancy, I also love listening to your internet radio show on W4CY Radio every Tuesday at 2pm, and I always learn something new and wonderful from you about making my body healthier!
Today’s show was amazing, because you talked about eating healthy foods and cleansing your body on a regular basis.
Thank you for your inspiration, and for sharing your incredible insight into the various ways to achieve maximum health.
I’ll be listening next Tuesday at 2pm!
Stacy Varner Meade
Christy Balencia
“Dear Nancy,
I can say that at age 50, my husband is looking the best he has looked in years because he is now playing tennis nearly every other day, & after being in a low moment where he could barely walk due to sciatic issues, it’s great to see his transformation as a result of reading your book, putting your eating healthier guidelines to work, and taking the liquid biocell (which gets rid of joint pain, helps heal the ligaments and tissue, provides energy, endurance and helps with recovery, etc.). Thank you for helping us with that and helping us order it to get the right version and the best price.
We are eating more plants based foods as well and much less meat. So it’s probably all of your suggestions together that are adding up to his improved health! Bless you! You’ve given him his quality of life back!”
Pamela Suzette Honeycutt
I had so much fun shopping and learning at Whole Foods with Nancy Gibbons Addison and Pamela Suzette Honeycutt. I’ll be 50 in a few weeks and have decided I need to live a healthier life on all levels and clean eating is a big goal. Nancy’s tour, guidance and teaching were invaluable and so helpful to that goal. She’s not your normal nutritionist. You’re basically getting access to her lifetime of knowledge and experience so you don’t have to go out and recreate the wheel. If you want to learn and have fun doing it!
I highly recommend Nancy Addison’s services!
UPDATE, August 26, 2016
My counselor, Debra, may be calling you and sending you a client. I shared your number with her and your newsletter/FB page.
Many people at school have noted how good I look. Say my coloring is great and I have a glow about me. You truly saved me, Nancy! Thank you
Jennifer McCullough
Jennifer Ellard McCullough added a new photo to Nancy Addison – Organic Healthy Life‘s timeline — with Pamela Suzette Honeycutt and Nancy Gibbons Addison.
Today my friend Pamela Suzette Honeycutt and I had a very informative walk through and counseling session at Whole Foods with Nancy Gibbons Addison. I’ve always wanted to do this. I’m intimated shopping there because of the overwhelming number of choices. Her guidance and teaching showed me it’s not so difficult as I thought it would be to make healthy choices. I’m on a new healthy living and eating journey and today I took several baby steps on that path.
I highly recommend Nancy Addison’s services!
Dr. Daniel Strader
Dr. Daniel Strader, a holistic dentist in Dallas, puts my blog articles on his blog and promotes my book: “Raising Healthy Children!”
“Nancy Addison published a brilliant book Raising Healthy Children. One especially important chapter towards the end of the book lists some great and affordable ways to clean that are nontoxic. Nontoxic Household Cleaners
We would highly recommend picking up a copy of Raising Health Children. There are many good healthy recipes as well as other helpful hints.
straderdds@msn.com’s blog: http://www.2grin.com/nontoxic-household-cleaners.html
Dawn Matheson, Executive Director, Mom’s Choice Awards
“We are happy to award deserving products like Raising Healthy Children,” said Dawn Matheson, Executive Director, Mom’s Choice Awards. “Our panel of judges really felt this book merited a place on our list of the best in family-friendly products that parents and educators can feel confident in using.” MomsChoiceAwards.com
Kimberly Wechsler About Bladder Cancer
Hi Nancy, I wrote this recommendation of your work that you can include on your profile. Thanks, Kimberly http://www.linkedin.com/recs/received
Kimberly Wechsler put this testimony on Linked in – “My husband and I highly recommend Nancy when it comes to health and nutrition. My husband has had stage 4 bladder cancer and we didn’t want to fool around or waste anytime in fighting his cancer. Nancy set up a dietary plan including other lifestyle changes, for us to follow and we followed it to as closely as we could. We did combine her guidelines with chemotherapy for his bladder. I am happy to say he is cancer free, MD Anderson said to us, whatever you are doing beside the chemo, stay the course & and we did and continue to do so now. I believe we must stay one step ahead of cancer and we will continue to follow Nancy & her guidelines, it has become part of our new lifestyle! ” Kimberly said if anyone would like to ask her about my counseling, she would be happy to talk to them.
http://www.linkedin.com/recs/received Kimberly Wechsler, CHHC, AADP, CPT, is a popular and recognizable Family Fitness Specialist
Candace Stone Concerning Her Dog With Cancer At [4:52] PM, Candace Stone said the following:
Hi Nancy,
I wrote this recommendation of your work that you can include on your profile.
Thanks, Candace
“My dog Chloe was diagnosed with lymphoma the summer of 2013. The oncologist predicted she had three to six months to live and that was with medication or chemo. Since Chloe had no symptoms, I decided to forego medical treatment and change her diet instead. I immediately called Nancy, because she not only advises people on how to eat, but she understands better than anyone I know what our pets need to thrive as well. Nancy is also an animal diet expert and counselor. Thanks to Nancy’s specific instructions on what I needed to feed Chloe, my sweet dog just turned 10 and still shows no signs of cancer. Chloe is happy, vibrant, runs, plays, chases squirrels and loves life. Nancy, thank you so much for all of your support and for believing Chloe could be healed. “
Jimmy Gomes- Vice President, Forever Resorts
“Nancy, gave a presentation for my group, she was very professional, informative and her passion and her knowledge was incredible. There were many people that have changed their lifestyles for a more healthier way thanks to Nancy. We bought her books for all of our resort managers. We want our resort’s restaurants to implement the healthful cooking techniques, recipes and nutritional information that she teaches. I recommend her to any group or organization that is looking for a motivational, dynamic and meaningful speaker.”
Click here to see my video testimony.
Kathy McDaniel
Posted on my facebook page: April 3, 2016-
“Dear Nancy, I just wanted to say thank you! Your counseling session with me by phone was fantastic! I’ve ordered your book and bought all the health foods you suggested. My symptoms were better right away! I have hope for the first time in 7 months. May God Bless you! ♡ Kathy McDaniel”
Tim Durkin
Tanis Cornell
November 2015
This video was taken after working with Nancy for about 4 months.
Click Here for the link to my video testimony!
Update in email – May 1, 2016:
“After receiving an unexpected diagnosis of early stage Multiple Myeloma in February of 2012, I began to do a lot of research to see what proactive measures I could take to slow down or halt the progression of the cancer. My research convinced me that a great deal can be done through diet and nutrition and I began to work with Nancy in the summer of 2015, after a friend referred her to me.
I thought I knew a lot about nutrition before working with Nancy, but she really opened my eyes.
Nancy helped me put a personalized plan together that I could embrace. Over the last year I’ve dramatically cut down on my consumption of certain foods and moved to the ones Nancy recommended as much as possible. I haven’t even followed her whole plan completely. I still enjoy an occasional treat, but true to Nancy’s words, I lost the cravings after a month of being on her plan.
One problem I had been having was cramps in my feet almost every night. It would wake me up and was worse on days I wore heels. The cramping in my feet got better very quickly after starting on Nancy’s program. It’s really made a difference. Nancy has a way of taking complicated information and making it easy to understand.
We focused on a diet that would enhance my immune system and I’m happy to say that my cancer has remained stable with no progression.
I feel great, have lots of energy and continue to live my life to the fullest. I’ve found Nancy to be a caring and supportive cheerleader in my journey!”
Warm regards,
Tanis Cornell
Mary Jo Rausch – Rejuvenation Retreat
What a fabulous week! It was a “Trip of a life time”. Being with Nancy Addison on one her Nutritional Retreats in Nicaragua was a blessing for me. She is a terrific teacher and food expert! Actually “mind/body” wellness would better describe the week. Learning to breathe, relax, meditate as well as taking time in life to choose what we put in our mouths and to prepare it! Nicaragua and the Emerald Coast were so magical! Not only did we have fabulous food and a wonderful time we all were blessed to have two spectacular rainbows. In the evening the stars were spectacular. We saw the Milky Way. I have not seen that in over 20 years! Also, the wild life in the forest was a treat! We saw monkeys, turtles, fish, crabs, white squirrels, eagles, many beautiful birds and donkeys and cattle crossing the roads right in front of us. The nature in Nicaragua was beautiful! Wasn’t ready to go home after 7 days. Wish I could have stayed longer! Nancy is truly amazing. She has the patience and experience to listen and to teach people how to eat a healthier and balanced diet! Teaching our group how to eat healthy with fresh and organic foods and showing our group how to prepare and make healthy meals! Everyone has health and diet issues and she was able to balance those needs specifically to each person on the retreat. Nancy has written wonderful books with the recipes included to help people with all sorts of diet needs. Having to plug back into the real world and the time restrictions we all have – Nancy showed us how to balance our diets and to listen to our bodies more. I would highly recommend anyone to read her books, go on one of her retreats, or contact her for improving ones healthy and diet! Thank you Nancy! With Love, Mary Jo Rausch
John Raymond
“Anyone interested in improving body, mind and soul through organic diet enhancement will find Nancy Addison’s guide to a healthy vegetarian lifestyle informative, practical and most of all easy to comprehend. Nancy’s clear, no nonsense manner of communication reduces decades of learning, experience and dietary success to a manual that is very user friendly. She provides explanations for her suggestions that ring of a veracity that is hard to come by in this field. Her work is thought provoking and will rapidly bring the reader of this valuable volume into the garden and kitchen where the application of her work begins and your path to improvement commences. The first time you try any one of her suggested recipes, your senses will be filled with joy as the aromas come from the oven, stove top or blender. You won’t be disappointed.”
Tonya Prince- National Association of Professional Women
“I engaged Nancy Addison to be the speaker at our National Association of Professional Women’s meeting. Everyone was thrilled with her engaging and delightful keynote. I have YET to stop speaking of her as a beautiful person, her life’s experience she shared, and expertise in health and wellness. I felt truly blessed to have her with us and I’ve been buried in her book ever since. For the first time in a very loooooong time I am more conscious about what I put in my body. I feel like I’ve had the awakening I needed at the right moment. Nancy’s spirit and the gift Nancy shares with the world is priceless. I can go on and on about Nancy. She is great; I loved the talk. The cutting edge health and nutrition information was incredibly relative to what my group needed to learn for improving their health. I am looking forward to having her speak for our group again. ~with my blessing!”
Elizabeth Conn
“Nancy’s book is fascinating. I can’t put it down! It’s changing my life. As a breast cancer survivor, I’m eager to learn as much as I can about nutrition, but much of the material I’ve seen is overwhelming or kind of tiresome to plow through. Nancy’s book is clearly written and well organized and explains many concepts that I did not know. This book makes converting to a vegetarian lifestyle seem very appealing and possible and even offers easy-to -follow recipes like Gibb’s sandwich. I’ve lost 5 pounds in the last four days just following some of the suggestions in the book. I think practically anyone could benefit from reading this book.” -Elizabeth Conn-Atlanta, Ga
Carleigh Smith – Programs Coordinator at The Metropolitan Cooking & Entertainng Show
“It was a pleasure to have Nancy Addison as a presenter in the Tasting & Entertaining Workshops area at MetroCooking Dallas. Nancy’s professionalism and positive attitude made her a pleasure to work with. She demonstrated her knowledge in great depth through engaging workshops and we have already asked her to return next year!” Sincerely, Carleigh Smith – Programs & Special Projects Coordinator at TheMetropolitan Cooking & Entertaining Show
Callan Harrison
” I love this book! I stayed up half the night reading it. I couldn’t put it down! It is packed with so much great information. It all makes so much sense and it is easy to read.”
Tim Durkin – Seneca Leadership Programs
“I loved Nancy’s presentation and look forward to attending another one. Implementing her suggestions from the seminar and her exceptional book produced great results quickly for me. I also highly recommend her to speak for other organizations. Her presentations are full of brilliant nuggets and gems. In short they are awesome!”
Katie Irwin -Leader to Luminary Training
Nancy Addison is SO much more than an expert. She is a food, health and well-being MASTER. I have worked with many nutritionists and holistic practitioners, yet Nancy is who I call to get my answers. She is my Trusted Advisor. She has so much wisdom, that has transformed my life, my energy and my health~ and the lives of so many. I find myself giving health advice to people in my life, and I hear again and again- where did this information come from? And it all came from the same incredibly abundant source, Nancy Addison. I am so blessed to have her in my life.
Hannah Psalm, University Student
“In just ten days of implementing Nancy’s program, I lost weight, had more energy, slept soundly, and just felt happier, more positive, and confident. Best of all, I don’t feel a need to take the adderall any longer! I hadn’t felt this way in years! Prior to this, I was depressed, isolated from my friends, and on the verge of giving up hope because I didn’t know where to turn anymore. Since I started working with Nancy, I now have a new motivation that is leading me to my success in this new healthy lifestyle.”
Bob Fanucchi, actor/ producer, Dream River Films LLC
“I have followed Nancy’s counseling advice and now weigh in at 205 lbs. total weigh loss is 59 lbs. I feel great and people are telling me I look good. Thank you Nancy!”
Cindy Herb
“At Nancy’s seminar, the day went by so fast! That is always an indication of a great speaker and presenter. Nancy is awesome! The whole day was great and Nancy were so open to us! The seminar was enjoyable and I was astounded at how much information and research was presented. Nancy, you really know your stuff! I highly recommend Nancy for her seminars and her health counseling. I love that she is very sharing and loves to share with others. I learned so much I am still trying to digest it all. Having her book, really helps. I would like all of my best friends to come to Nancy’s seminars!”
Beth Morgan – The Medical Bill Detective www.MedicalBillDetectives.com
“Nancy’s knowledge of nutrition and nutritional foods illuminates a path for the unhealthy eater to a new healthier life and lifestyle. Her gentle methods showed me how to eat healthier and in a fun, enjoyable way. I highly recommend her and her ideas.”
Anna Armstrong
“Nancy taught me so much in her class. I have multiple sclerosis and have wanted to eat healthier, but I felt it was too hard to change my diet. After her class, I am very motivated to start the change. The food she made was easy to make and very delicious. Nancy’s class was very fun, she makes you feel at home and she is very personable. She made us laugh with her stories. She is very encouraging. She would tell us about the food she is using, the nutrients and the vitamins. She showed us just how easy it is to prepare the food, and also told us why it is important to eat this way.”
Tom Fagadau – President/CEO of Primexx Energy Partners
I love hanging out with Nancy. She is brilliant and she knows more about nutrition than anyone I have ever met. As a result of her expertise, guidance and encouragement, I have made fantastic changes in my health.
Carrie Moore
“I had such a great time at your seminar. I learned so much! Please send me updates on new classes you will host. I would love to meet with you for a one to one visits for health counseling, in the future.”
Sir Earl Toon – Member of the singing group: Kool & The Gang
Nancy, you are such a very special, unique person. You see the world in such a loving way. Having people like you makes the world a better place. The world needs people like you
Jan J. Goss, MD
I am writing a letter of recommendation for Nancy Addison. I have known Nancy since 1993. She is a very well educated young woman who is constantly adding to her already extensive knowledge. Over the last several years she has taken courses and educated herself in the field of nutrition, in particular organic nutrition. Knowing Nancy as I do she will be a great addition to any wellness program she undertakes. She is sensible, not extreme, and puts a tremendous amount of thought and time into her projects. She is polite, timely, and very conscientious.
Susan Williams – Flagstaff Arizona
I lost a whole dress size in just two weeks and I didn’t even try! I just implemented the suggestions Nancy made and lost the weight without even thinking about it! I feel wonderful, I am now aware and open to all the ways to achieve good health. I lost this weight after working with Nancy and following her suggestions. As a person challenged with health problems, Nancy has opened my eyes to certain ways to eat healthier with ease and enjoyment. Nancy makes it understandable, while also making it realistic and comfortable for me. And the best part is: I feel great and I am still losing weight! I will never have to be on a diet ever again, because now I now know how to eat well for my health!”
Brenda S. Blake- Chief Financial Officer- Crow Finance & Reality
t is my privilege to have worked with Nancy Addison as my personal nutritionist. I have been on a journey to attain weight loss for several years…on this journey, I have lost over 75 pounds and I have gone from a size 20 to actually wearing a size 10 to a holiday party last year. Nancy and I celebrated that recent accomplishment together. More importantly, Nancy changed my focus from losing weight to attaining, health and wholeness. That is a big paradigm of difference. Nancy focuses on the foundational elements of eating, providing in -depth training for her clients. Knowledge is power and Nancy has an amazing amount of knowledge. We started our first session at Whole Foods filling my cart with things I didn’t even know existed. I have an entire notebook of handouts and several reference books that were Nancy’s gift to me. It is a lot of material to absorb and it takes time to change lifetime patterns but I can still hear Nancy’s encouraging voice: You can do this. My knowledge about what are healthy choices has increased; there is not a single day that goes by that I do not use knowledge that I gained while I was a client. I have tried many programs and read many books but there are several things that set my time with Nancy apart from anything else I’ve experienced: First, She provides enthusiastic support and encouragement and genuinely cares about her clients and their success. Second, her approach is holistic-uniquely combining mind, body, and spirit with exercises to change focus, take risks, reduce stress, and engage internal silent power. Third, she provides the tools; but it is up to each of us to use these tools and not sabotage our own efforts. I think the most important element of change for me, however, was an awareness of my body type. With that realization, a level of positive body image I’ve never felt before became fully grounded. It helped me embrace that I am strong and powerful like an athlete- not thin and delicate like a fashion model ( the image I was striving to attain). That is a gift that will forever set me free to accept myself as I was created to be. As Nancy always says, You cannot not know what you know once you know it. Thank you Nancy for giving me the tools I needed to empower me to live a life of health and wholeness.
Bob Fanucchi – Producer, Director and Actor of Dream River
Nancy’s seminar was an excellant presentation! I have her book, but there is nothing like being there in person and hearing her speak. There is so much great information and I feel like the great information was imported to me with humor and amazing presentation. I wish she could present her program to the Endeavor Cinema group. I love the gentle spirit of Nancy’s speaking. There was so much information that I am not sure where to start in saying how much I learned! Nancy’s program integrates perfectly with my naturopathic lifestyle and my martial arts.”
Susan Doyle
Nancy Addison has helped me immensely in the areas of nutrition and health.I have always believed in proper nutrition and I have taken good care of my body, but I have struggled with the best way to accomplish this. There is so much information regarding health out there, that I became totally overwhelmed. After meeting Nancy and working with her, I began to see a clear path to my goal. • Nancy is an unbelievable inspiration and example. With her passionate and enthusiastic approach, and her confidence from having lived the way of life she teaches, she taught me the steps to achieve pure radiant health. • Among these were the proper way to detox, how to combine foods, and how to help my body become more balanced through proper breathing and many other helpful tools. I have never felt better in my entire life, and I have unbelievable energy. She has given me recipes for food preparation that have nourished my body and cleared my mind. I wake up rested and energized. My immune system is stronger than ever. Nancy has given me a tremendous foundation to keep my body in balance and maintain optimum health and vitality. I highly recommend Nancy Addison to help you learn how to improve and renew your health for life. If you have any questions, please contact me at travelpogo@hotmail.com.
Dr. Mike Taylor – Shreveport, LA
One of the things I love about Nancy is her approach is about balance. I love the way Nancy teaches. It is informative and relaxed. Fantastic class. I brought my wife and friends with me. It was great doing it as a group.
Susan Doyle
Nancy, I think of you as…….inspirational… encouraging… compassionate… caring… and from the heart. You show goodness and kindness to everyone you meet…. You are calm and patient… you are thoughtful and helpful… you are cheerful and enthusiastic… you are the best… Love, Susan
Kimberly Wechsler, President of Fit American Families
Kaaydah Schatten – a founding member of
“Nancy is an inspiration to me and has helped me turn my life around and overcome a lifelong fear of cooking. Nancy, is a fabulous teacher and makes nutrition easy to learn, in all aspects. She taught me how to take care of myself, so that I can enjoy life to the fullest.” – Kaaydah Schatten
Susan barber
Nancy Addison has influenced me in more than I can even begin to express about how I now see eating for health and happiness. I have seen her cook in such ways that I had not witnessed before in my life and now, because of her great influence, I cook and eat so much more differently and am greatly benefitting from these acknowledgements as we speak. Most of us have been taught wrong and she has an innate ability that comes from truth and beauty of life. I know so many people, and she is and has been the only one that I have met with such caring and knowledge in her field. I will always highly recommend her gifts and talents to whomever I meet and wants health and interesting eating in their lives.
Kaylene Clark
Before I started this program I didn’t have the tools to know how to relax and destress. While working with Nancy I have learned to breathe deep everyday and take time for myself. I am an important person. Now that I have finished the 6 week program I am excited to use what I have learned in shopping, cooking, eating, and living; not just for me, but for my family as well. I am an going to be an example to other people, friends and strangers. I just need to keep practicing what I have learned on a daily basis. Nancy is a wonderful person with a wealth of knowledge. She is the most positive person I have ever known.
Tracy Scotch
I started working with Nancy in order to get healthier. She made a particular suggestion in our first session. When I made that one change in my diet, I found (to my surprise) that my acid reflux disappeared! I had tried taking several over the counter drugs, but nothing had ever worked. I was amazed and so exited to be free of the acid reflux – and I was so surprised my doctor had never recommended it. It also helped my allergies and helped me sleep better. Thank you Nancy for helping me to sleep better, have more energy, and become acid-reflux free!
When I first met Nancy I was in a slump. Going through a long separation and a number of health problems. I wasn’t paying attention to my health or diet. I was eating all of the wrong foods, drinking and smoking too much. Exercise was non existent. I was on a down hill spiral, sinking further and further. When we met I was immediately hypnotized by that gorgeous smile and piercing blue eyes. I felt the warmth radiating from her. She was so healthy and happy. I had to know more. Little did I realize how she would forever change my life. Not one to forgo a challenge she undertook to help me turn my life around. I began my education into what was the right dietary and supplemental needs that I should be following. During the process I had been experiencing a number of lingering, hard to recover from colds. She jumped onto solutions and preventions for these through non-prescription or medical methods. I still have a long road to hoe towards full recovery. But I went through the first winter and flu season in over five years with no flu shot and no illness. As well I have been inspired to start a regular exercise and walking/jogging regime which has me losing weight and re-strengthening my body. I am eating healthier and continuing the supplements. Thank you for being who you are and being my angel when I needed you.
Rebekah – Dallas, Texas
Nancy has helped me in so many ways with her wealth of knowledge from so many areas, as I have been going for cancer treatment and dealing with health challenges this last year. I have given her name and phone number to my friends, so she could help them. It is helpful and rewarding to have her to talk to and have as support. I told her she needed to do group workshops, raw food cuisine and cooking classes or counseling at places like Gilda’s Club. She could help so many people with health questions and challenges. I recommend her services as a nutrition and health counselor.
William Booth
Following several visits to the hospital I began to take a serious look at my eating habits. I was successful in dropping over forty pounds. At this point I had reached a plateau. After months of no change I happen to meet Nancy Addison. She has been instrumental in jump starting my weight loss again. More importantly, I am losing weight without being hungry or feeling tired. Today, I am down over fifty pounds and still losing. My goal is in sight and with Nancy’s valuable help, I’m sure I will be successful.
Nancy, I want to tell you what an amazing person you are in absolutely every way. You are beautiful, kind, smart, talented …in art, raw cooking, gardening, helping save animals, and a million other ways I don’t even know about…you are fun to be around, you are thoughtful, energetic, and you have the most beautiful heart I have ever known.
Kaaydah Schatten
Nancy is an inspiration to me and has helped me turn my life around and overcome a lifelong fear of cooking. Nancy is a fabulous teacher and makes nutrition easy to learn, in all aspects. She taught me how to take care of myself, so that I can enjoy life to the fullest.
Jason Moore Polson
I have recently participated in a couple of raw food classes and this one was the best I have ever attended. Nancy did a great job sharing her knowledge and passion of food and its benefits. She was such a fantastic teacher, that I had her come up to Montana to teach it at our weekend retreats on a regular basis. I look forward to the continuous development of my relationship with her.
Karen and Mike Taylor
My husband and I really enjoyed Nancy’s seminar. It was informative, interesting and really alot of fun! My husband and I are so inspired by the natural way of eating. Nancy is a great instructor and has a passion for living a healthy lifestyle. We share this passion as well. We drove all the way from Shreveport, Louisiana for her seminar and it was well worth the drive!”
Willie Richardson
Great whole food preparation experience! This is a must! All of the recipes were excellant. I look forward to growing and taking additional classes. Thank you very much Nancy. I really appreciate your personal touch and experiences which made this class very special. May God continue to richly bless you.
Bill Booth – Director- Tequila Rocks Films
When I met Nancy, I was eating the normal American diet. In fact I was raised on fast food and had some serious health conditions that I was dealing with. I was not used to eating in a healthy way. I thought apples weren’t really very sweet or very good. Working with Nancy and making a few changes slowly in my diet; food started tasting differently for me. Apples suddenly tasted so sweet and delicious. Nancy has taught me how to eat well and really enjoy it. I have learned how to take control of my health and diet. She makes it easy and it makes sense. I finally have control over my health and diet for the first time in my life. I am losing weight and feel so much better. I highly recommend Nancy as a health counselor and cooking teacher.
Callan Harrison
” I love this book! I stayed up and read almost half of it last night. I couldn’t put it down! It is packed with so much great information. It all makes so much sense and it is easy to read.”
Tracey Shaw
” Nancy’s seminar is packed with stories, examples and great information. They are so much fun! I have learned so much. I have attended more than one! I brought my husband to two of them! This is really a lifestyle change and Nancy helps you learn how to do it with some flexibility and understanding. I am putting it into practice! I highly recommend Nancy’s seminars! I learn something new at each one.”
Joann Miller
“Meeting Nancy has changed my life. I read about her in the newspaper and bought her book. It was fantastic, even though I don’t consider myself a vegetarian. I have been really ill and needed some help immediately. There is nothing like her personal one on one counseling. She is so insightful, kind and inspirational. I have made enormous progress with healing my body. I have lost weight easily: I sleep better; I have more energy: and the list goes on! I highly recommend Nancy for her health and nutrition counseling. Best money I ever invested in myself.”
Ania Joy
Nancy’s authentic passion for well-being & holistic health of body and spirit is contagious. Her approach is of a good and caring friend who wants to share her wealth of information in order to inspire you to live a better healthier and more satisfying life. A meeting with her always leaves me with plenty of food for thought and enthusiasm to take action.
Kate Kelton
I learned a lifetime of nutrition tips that will change my life forever. Eat a rainbow every day is Nancy’s advice for eating a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables for a healthy life! And the best of all – actually grow a backyard garden for the freshest vegetables!!
Jane Smith
Nancy Addison is well informed and passionate about good nutrition. I was quite impressed with the breadth of her knowledge and her ability to address the specific dietary needs of myself and my family members. She was even able to help me indulge my taste for chocolate in a very healthy way without using sugar !!
Bill Plaster
Nancy Addison’s impressive collection of knowledge on the negative effects of sugar and it’s vast infiltration of America’s food supply is informative and educational. She shares practical advice on how we can help ourselves live healthier and live longer.
Junia Gibbons
I really enjoyed Nancy’s Sugar Talk and thought it was very informative. When she held up the glass with the sugar in it comparing it to how much is in a canned soft drink, I was amazed. There was a lot of other things I found of interest also, like how little the public really knows about sugar substitutes. Nancy made it very interesting and gave me a lot to think about.
Kathleen Hayden
Nancy taught me about eating for optimum health and she gave me some recipes. My son and I made her recipes every morning and it literally changed my life! I couldn’t believe how much better I felt immediately. It was so easy. Nancy is amazing. She doesn’t just tell you things to do; she actually does them herself. She is a wealth of knowledge about health, nutrition, the environment, children, travel, wellness, exercise, gardening, animals, art, and the list goes on. When I am around her, she inspires me to be a better person.
Patricia O’Sullivan
Patricia O’Sullivan I am loving your soups! I’ve been making them and enjoying them a few times a week. Thanks for the great recipes! I made the asparagus/sweet potato one for my friends last week and it was a huge hit. Your smoothie recipe was my staple in the states!
Mia Davis
I just wanted you to know that you inspired me yesterday to try and serve my family healthier meals! I went to the store and bought lots of great veggie’s (no peas) and also bought High Heat Virgin Coconut oil and also some grape seed oil. I am not really sure I know what I am doing but I will keep trying to make some small changes that will hopefully change the big picture gradually.
You are an inspiration!
Beth Morgan – The Medical Bill Detective -As seen in Oprah Magazine
“Nancy’s knowledge of nutrition and nutritional foods illuminates a path for the unhealthy eater to a new healthier life and lifestyle. Her gentle methods showed me how to eat healthier and in a fun, enjoyable way. I highly recommend her book and her ideas.”
You are an inspiration!
Julianne Parker PC
I’ve spent about an hour glancing through your book. OMG — IT IS PHENOMENAL!!!!!! Very professional, very informative, easy to understand, tons of information. I am AMAZED at all the information contained therein.
Gaby Fernandez – high
” I loved Nancy’s presentation today. It was very interesting, funny and helpful! It was so informative! I learned so much new information, especially about food! I am so happy I came today!”
Maryann De Leo — Academy Award Winner, two- time Emmy and Telly Award Winner for documentary films
Nancy does everything with love, I know her heart and soul are in this book, with lots of love for everyone to live a healthy happy life!
Bob Fanucchi
” I loved Nancy’s presentation today. It was very interesting, funny and helpful! It was so informative! I learned so much new information, especially about food! I am so happy I came today!”
Mary Anne Fernandez – Medical Librarian at Scottish Rite a Pediatric
Nancy’s seminar was exceptional! Nancy is passionate about what she presents. I like the fact that she carefully explains all of the facts behind the diet information. It was fabulous information. It was enjoyable and Nancy talked slowly and answered questions thoroughly. I would like Nancy to give a presentation at the Hospital. I like the fact that Nancy is real and not judgmental, self righteous or zealous like so many other people who speak on health. I found the cleanse information really eye opening. I learned so much helpful information! I am grateful and thankful and feel very blessed to have learned of Nancy. I highly recommend her seminars and her private counseling. Her book is packed with wonderful information. It is a great resource for anyone wanting to heal their body or get healthier. Nancy was the answer to my prayers in seeking a way to get healthy and stay healthy. In the first week of implementing her suggestions, I have already lost 3 pounds and I feel so much better.
Suzie Humphreys – radio personality, humorist, & motivational
Nancy, your DVDs are fantastic! The recipes are healthy and easy to understand. Those DVDs are high quality and fun to watch! I wish you were on the cooking channel. You should have your own show!
Leslee Feiwus
Since I started working with Nancy I have lost 22 pounds. It is like the weight is just melting off of me. My skin is glowing and my wrinkles are smoothing out. I go into a deep REM sleep at night. I have more energy and clarity of mind.
Katie Irwin, Leader to Luminary Training
Nancy Addison is SO much more than an expert. She is a food, health and well-being MASTER.
Susan Williams
I lost a whole dress size in just two weeks and I didn’t even try! I just implemented the suggestions Nancy made and lost the weight without even thinking about it! I feel wonderful.
Ward Hudspeth
Nancy, your book is inspirational. My friend Debbie gave me your book. It is a masterpiece. I keep your book by my bed and use it as my health bible. I have underlined and highlighted almost all of it. I use your cleanse every day. I feel better than ever. You look prettier than the picture on your book. Thank you so much for writing this incredible book.
Podcast tesimonials-
Awesome content ![]() |
October 26, 2017 by S6kpil from United States |
I found her accidentally searching for vegetarian podcasts. Got her books and she is really good at simplifying what’s what. You can tell she really knows her stuff internally and lives this way as an example and role model. I don’t even mind when she repeats things over multiple podcasts so that I can retain or learn that information. |
So much valuable information ![]() |
October 19, 2017 by ajet615 from United States |
I have really enjoyed this podcast–so much valuable information. Keep making more episodes please. |
So much good information! ![]() |
July 12, 2016 by Team Podcast from United States |
Wow, Nancy has so much good information. I don’t think there is a single topic or question about health that she can’t answer! She’s the real deal and this podcast is awesome! |
Craig Tennant –