Genetically Modified Foods.
Is The US Government Going To Deny Us The Right To Have It Labeled?
This Thursday, Congress is voting on the bill to deny us our rights to have GMO food labeled.
t seems so mind boggling to me that congress would enact a law preventing genetically modified foods from being labeled.
They are taking away our right to know what we are buying.
Why? If it is SO “safe” like they say, then why don’t they want us to know? if they are labeling it for other countries, why can’t they do the same for the US? What are they afraid of by denying our right to know? How much money are our representatives getting from the lobbyist that make them vote in their favor? I asked my representative Pete Sessions to tell me how much money he is getting from the GMO lobbyist for his re-election and other things, that would have him voting to deny our right to know. They call it Accurate food labeling act. That is deceptive in itself. I wonder why he doesn’t care about our rights?
One of their arguments is that it is too expensive, but in reality it’s pennies. And if they are labeling it for other countries who require it, then it is no cost to them to label it for the US market. What are they truly afraid of? and why are we the people of the US being denied our right to know what our food is made of?
Why does the USDA say if you have cancer to eat Organic Food. How Can someone eat properly if it isn’t labeled properly? Why would they say that if it isn’t important to someone’s health and well being.
Does anyone else care about this or is it only me?
I hope you care and let your congressman know it’s not all right with you that they would take away your right to have your food labeled with whether it’s genetically modified or not.
Recent polling shows that nine out of ten Americans want
the right to know whether their food has been produced with
genetically modified food ingredients. Vermont, Connecticut and
Maine have acted to give consumers the right to know what is in
their food and how it is grown.
H.R. 1599 would preempt states from labeling GMO foods and
would invalidate existing state laws.
H.R. 1599 would make it virtually impossible for the Food
and Drug Administration to craft a national mandatory GMO
labeling system. It would codify the existing voluntary non-GMO
labeling policy that causes confusion among consumers.
H.R. 1599 also would allow “natural” claims on foods with
GMOs, which adds to consumer confusion.
Consumers have the right to know what is in their food and
how it is grown. H.R. 1599 makes it more difficult for
consumers to know that information.
James P. McGovern.
Ann McLane Kuster.
In 2012, an article in Forbes magazine stated it’s not surprising bees are dying off in huge numbers because of the increase in genetically modified foods. “As of 2012, it is estimated that over 70 percent of the food on the U.S. market contains genetically modified organisms, ingredients that have been scientifically engineered in laboratories.”19
Why are GMO (genetically modified organism) foods harmful? Tests feeding three types of GMO corn to rats showed these results:
Effects were mostly associated with the kidney and liver, the dietary detoxifying organs, although different between the 3 GMOs. Other effects were also noticed in the heart, adrenal glands, spleen and haematopoietic system. We conclude that these data highlight signs of hepatorenal toxicity, possibly due to the new pesticides specific to each GM corn.21
During the tests, the rats also developed large tumors.
With all the studies revealing the harmfulness of Genetically modified plants and food as well as the toxic poisons they generously pile on them; it makes me very concerned that they are denying us our right to know what kind of food we are eating.
My friend, Richard Kemp with Abilene, TX’s Radio’s Farm and Ranch report on KLGD Radio, reported this today. I thought it was so great, I asked him if I could share it with you. He said yes.
“Everyone deserves to know what’s in their food so they can make informed decisions about what to feed themselves and their families.
Some companies, however, think consumers don’t have a right to know what’s in their food when it comes to genetically modified organisms, or GMOs.
Congress is voting this Thursday to make it illegal for states to require labeling of genetically modified foods.
If you support mandatory labeling of GMO foods call Your Congressman.
We support mandatory GMO labeling for two good reasons.
Contrary to the companies’ well-worn talking points, the cost of labeling is negligible, because companies change their product packaging regularly.
Our analysis of several studies on the cost of GMO labeling found that protecting consumer choice is a bargain at less than a penny per day per person. Companies would be smart to follow those that have already chosen not to pass along that cost to consumers at the register.
First, labeling is a simple and common sense solution to protect consumer choice. Companies that grow and sell genetically modified foods haven’t yet come up with a convincing excuse to explain why their customers should not have this information.
When those companies spend untold millions to keep their customers in the dark by battling efforts to properly label their products, we ask why. And when they tell us products shouldn’t be labeled because they haven’t been proven unsafe, we call foul.
Food labels contain lots of information, from complete lists of ingredients to whether a product is homogenized.
Second, consumers want it. We asked consumers what they think about GMO labeling, and an overwhelming 92% of those polled agreed that genetically engineered food should be labeled as such.
When that many consumers tell us they’re concerned about a product, we make it a priority. Sixty-four other countries have heeded consumers and now require GMO labeling.
These mandatory labeling programs satisfy consumers in the most clear, consistent and accurate way possible.
Companies are quick to make safety claims, but scientists and regulators agree that there are serious potential risks, including the risk of introducing new allergens.
Concerns are also emerging about damage caused by increased herbicide use to our health and environment.
Plants and animals whose genetic material has been artificially manipulated are different from those that occur in nature or that are developed by conventional plant or animal breeding.
GMO scientists can move genes between living things that could never breed together in nature; for example, they have moved fish genes into tomatoes.
When new genes are introduced into plants or animals, they can produce proteins that aren’t usually found in those foods.
Some of those proteins can cause allergic reactions. That’s why the FDA asks companies to voluntarily test those new proteins to see if they resemble any known allergens. But the testing isn’t required and isn’t foolproof.
Research shows that the rise of GMO crops has also led to vast increases in herbicide use, which threatens our health and our environment.
Most GMO crops are engineered to tolerate the weed killer glyphosate, marketed as Roundup, which has recently been classified as a “probable carcinogen” by the World Health Organization.
According to U.S. Geological Survey data, the use of glyphosate on soybeans and corn has gone up seventeen-fold since genetically engineered versions were introduced in 1996.
GMOs have only been in our food supply for a couple of decades; most Americans didn’t grow up eating them.
This is an emerging field, and new information is coming to light every day. Labeling foods made with GMOs is a simple solution to start addressing people’s concerns.
Agreeing to label GMO foods will let companies demonstrate they are listening to the overwhelming majority of their customers. That’s good business.
Labels will give consumers the information they want and deserve, so they can make informed choices about the foods they choose to buy. That’s just the right thing to do.” – Richard Kemp
I agree with Richard. Please call that number today and let your voice be heard!
It is vital to the food quality and health quality of our country and our food supply and I also believe it is our right to know and the country’s obligation to let us know.
Let your voice be heard or they think you don’t care.
I hope you care and let your congressman know it’s not all right with you that they would take away your right to have your food labeled with whether it’s genetically modified or not.
Recent polling shows that nine out of ten Americans want
the right to know whether their food has been produced with
genetically modified food ingredients. Vermont, Connecticut and
Maine have acted to give consumers the right to know what is in
their food and how it is grown.
H.R. 1599 would preempt states from labeling GMO foods and
would invalidate existing state laws.
H.R. 1599 would make it virtually impossible for the Food
and Drug Administration to craft a national mandatory GMO
labeling system. It would codify the existing voluntary non-GMO
labeling policy that causes confusion among consumers.
H.R. 1599 also would allow “natural” claims on foods with
GMOs, which adds to consumer confusion.
Consumers have the right to know what is in their food and
how it is grown. H.R. 1599 makes it more difficult for
consumers to know that information.
James P. McGovern.
Ann McLane Kuster.
Here is the bill”s link: https://www.congress.gov/congressional-report/114th-congress/house-report/208/1
The House of Representatives will be voting on Monsanto’s dream bill THIS WEEK – and we’re running out of time to stop it.
More than ever, consumers want to know what’s in their food, but this dishonest bill takes us in the wrong direction.
Can I count on you to call on your member of Congress right now and urge him or her to oppose this anti-consumer, anti-labeling bill before the House votes?
Click here for a link to find your congressman.
To listen to Richard’s show click here. http://radio.securenetsystems.net/v5/KLGD
Let me know what you think please.
Sincerely, Nancy
Thank you, that is great information!