Last Wednesday, I attended the opening night show of the new Dallas, Cirque Du Soleil.
I had never been before and it was wonderful. I met some terrific people there, like Drew Waters and his darling daughters. I got to sit with my dear friend, the incredible Larry Hagman, who is back in town filming the second season of (the new episodes of the drama) Dallas.

The Cirque show was mesmerizing.
A few years ago, even though I was on my way to Austin to see my daughter graduate from UT, I decided to do something fun and exciting, on the way there. I saw that there was a place just outside of Austin where you could take trapeze lessons. So, I signed up!
This picture is of me (Nancy) on the trapeze!
That man is getting ready to catch me and swing me back over. It was amazing how much exhilarating it was. I had felt so amazingly alive after that two hour lesson.You wouldn’t know it, but I have a feat of heights! I had decided to face my fear. There was a time, after the first attempt, where i was visibly shaking. Then, each time I went up, it got a little easier. I am pretty sure I used every single muscle in my body. I was sore for a while after that, but it was a good sore muscle feeling.
Once in a while, we need to step out of our routine and try something new and exciting. It is almost like a vacation and I think it keeps us young! I realize from that experience, just how hard those performers must work and train. I also know just why people do go off to join the circus!