Air Quality

Air Quality, air decontamination machine, nancy addison, organic healthy life

Air quality is a serious problem today. Poor quality air can cause all kinds of health-related problems, including asthma and allergies. Since many of the buildings we live and work in are closed-up and sealed, it makes matters worse.

Indoor air pollution is about 500 times worse than outdoor air. This is even more alarming, considering that the air quality outside is so polluted, that many cities warn us about the dangers of breathing outside air.

With ozone alerts, chem-trails, pollen in the air, pollutants, and bacteria, our air quality seems to be getting worse and worse.

About 10 years ago I went to Florida, where I researched a new air purifier that works like nature and can clean indoor air using no chemicals.

I have known about indoor air quality problems for many years, because my ex-husband conducted air quality environmental impact studies for his clients. (He is an environmental trial lawyer).

I always had the newest or latest air conditioning air filters, hepa filters, and many types of air purifiers in our home.

The truth is, air purifiers, are fine for taking out tiny particles, but they don’t actually “purify” the air of the most infectious particles like, such as fungus, mold, or bacteria. In fact, most of our air conditioning systems pull in polluted air from outdoors and simply recirculate it.

Filters, no matter how good they are, only clean out tiny particles, so the contaminated air goes through the filter like sand through a tennis racket, while bacteria, mold, virus, and fungus are getting right through it.

In fact, Penn State conducted a study which found that it only took about 8 hours for a tuberculosis-infected person’s germs to spread to the tenth floor of an office building, with the way the air conditioning system works normally. This could spread this disease with a 33 % infection rate. (1)

With the way our air conditioning systems work, they can also create a mold problem, and spread mold, disease, and bacteria throughout our normal everyday indoor environments.

In 1970, Leeds University discovered something called “hydroxyls”, which are the environment’s way of keeping our atmosphere clean. This job of cleaning the air had been previously (and presently) mistakenly attributed to ozone, which can be toxic to our lungs and actually contribute to the deterioration of the lungs, fabrics, and plastics.)

Hydroxyls are Hydrogen and Oxygen (One H and one O), which are high on the pH scale. They literally overpower the bacteria, mold, virus and fungi, which are lower on the pH Scale. The researchers found that hydroxyls are completely safe and harmless. Hydroxyls only exist in outdoor environments, which is why indoor environments have worse air quality than outdoors.

We are taught and told we need oxygen to live, but what about hydrogen? Hydrogen gas acts as powerful antioxidant and has been shown to protect cells and is associated with the prevention of disease.

“Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) affects an estimated 63 million people worldwide. A recent, double-blind randomized, controlled trial study, (first of it’s kind), comparing the efficacy of hydrogen/oxygen therapy to oxygen alone therapy was published. The Hydrogen/ oxygen mixture resulted in a more significant improvement of AECOPD symptoms of breathlessness, cough, and sputum.

Using the hydroxyl research, an air decontamination machine has been developed. This machine mimics nature and releases hydroxyls into the indoor environment, creating a cleaning system that is like putting an immune system in the indoor environment.

I fell in love with this machine. I spent three days with a scientist in Florida at this air machine company, and he explained to me in detail how it worked.

He showed me the test scores, where the machine was tested on the worst strains of black mold, staph infection, influenza, and fungus. Within a matter of 4 to 24 hours these strains were reduced to 99.9999 percent, both in the air, and on hard and soft (for example sheets and towels) fabrics and surfaces.

I immediately bought one for my home, and I also ordered one for my daughter to take with her to NYC.

Eighty percent of what air duct companies clean out of air ducts is human skin we have shed. People shed about five hundred skin cells a minute. With the hydroxyl air machine system, the shedding is cut down to 1%, due to the fact the hydroxyls provide the oxygen and hydrogen to the air. Breathing this in, it supplies our body with a good supply of oxygen and hydrogen keeping the skin nourished and this helps the repair and maintenance of its cells. We can become revitalized and our skin is more vibrant and healthy.

With the situation presently with the recent injections and boosters, people injected are shedding. I value this machine even more now, especially when I have visitors. I have always taken my small portable system with me, when I travel overnight anywhere, especially to hotels.

Also, air systems are only set up to provide about 20 liters of air per hour per person, when we actually require 833 liters of air per hour per person. When we are in an indoor environment that is sealed up, by the afternoon, we can feel very tired because our lungs are working so hard to get enough oxygen. This system makes the oxygen much more bioavailable. So, our lungs are not working so hard.

Another thing I learned is how they measure particles in our environment. For instance, when we use the toilet, they now know (because they can measure it), that a toilet creates a “fecal cloud” whenever it is used and/or flushed. It can also be spread out through the air conditioning system, just like the tuberculosis was spread in the ten-story building.

So, if a person has an infection, and he uses his hotel bathroom, the infection can be spread throughout the hotel, simply due to the air conditioning system. People can become infected, simply by walking down a hallway and breathing in the infectious bacteria.

Studies show that a hospital room bathroom ‘s fecal cloud will spread out 6 rooms in each direction, because of the nature of the toilet and the air conditioning system. It ‘s no wonder so many people get sick while visiting or being in a hospital with so many sick people. We can assume that the same would be true of any closed building space.

Oxygen is the main nutrient we absolutely need on a continual basis. With this air decontamination system, it is producing oxygen and hydrogen continually, as well as, eliminating all of the harmful bacteria, mold, and fungi in the air, and on hard and soft surfaces.

We obtain 82 percent of disease through our nose and eyes. It doesn’t matter how clean our hands are if we are breathing in air that is contaminated with infectious particles.

With the so many new chemicals in use today, most homes are making people sick. The particleboard, paint, carpet, dry cleaning solutions, and cleaning fluids are putting out toxins in our air on a continual basis. This air decontamination system will continually put out hydroxyls that will work to eliminate the chemicals, and make the oxygen more bioavailable, and eliminate odor.

The units are assembled by hand in the United States, and they should last about 20 years. You only need to replace the optics about every 14-16 months and they are easy to replace.

They make a large product that you can put into your own air duct system, or there are smaller units that are transportable for apartments, RV’s, offices, hotel rooms, factory facilities, locker rooms, schools, and hospitals.

I think this is safer and more effective than an oxygen tank, because it isn’t flammable and you don’t need a prescription to get one.

It is a great air purification system and I love it. It is chemical-free, not too expensive, and it can help in so many ways with our health and the health of our environment.

This air decontamination machine mimics nature and actually puts hydroxyls in the indoor environment creating a cleaning system that is like putting an immune system in the indoor environment.

If you would like to consider purchasing a hydroxyl air decontamination machine for your home or office, please contact me and I can answer any of your questions and also help you if you would like to place an order. (Put air machine, in the subject line and email me at: or text me at 214-202-9243.)



1. “Spread of Disease in Office Buildings.” Penn State University. College of Engineering.

2. For a list of the tests, email me and I’ll send them to you.

Nancy’s 7 books on Amazon are also in Audio and some of them are in large print:

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Medical Disclaimer: Information provided in this podcast, blog, article, video is for informational purposes only. The information is a result of years of practice and experience by Nancy Addison CHC. However, this information is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional, or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging.

Do not use the information provided in this blog, audio podcast, article, video  for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read in this email.


Information provided in this video or audio and the use of any products or services related to this video by you DOES NOT create a health counselor-client relationship between you and Nancy Addison, certified health counselor. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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