5 Self-Improvement Tips for the COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery

If you’ve suffered from setbacks during the COVID-19 pandemic, you’re not alone. Almost everyone has faced unexpected challenges over the past year and a half.  But with the recovery well underway, you can finally re-enter the world as your best self and get ready to reconnect with your social circle.  With guidance from Organic Healthy Life, you can take control of your health!  Furthermore, you can follow these tips to improve every area of your life.

Earn Your Degree

You may have been laid off as a result of the pandemic, or you might have simply realized that your current field isn’t the right fit for you.  Either way, this could be the perfect time to head back to school and complete another degree so that you can advance in your career!  For instance, if you choose to earn your Master’s degree, you can eventually land a lucrative position in a field like education, business, or health science. And you don’t have to attend classes on campus, either – instead, you can pursue your degree online so that you’ll have plenty of time for your current job and your family obligations.

Update Your Wardrobe

Want to put a spring in your step when you head out for future social gatherings?  Update your wardrobe to refresh your style!  You don’t need to spend a lot of money to pull this off, either.  To keep costs low, Literally, Darling recommends checking out flea markets and thrift stores for pieces that you can mix and match with clothing that you already own, like statement jewelry, colorful t-shirts, practical shoes, and cute handbags.

Practice Yoga and Meditation

If you’re trying to cultivate a sense of balance in your life, it’s time to start a yoga and meditation practice. You can enjoy these activities anywhere, and you don’t need lots of time or experience to benefit from them!

If you’ve never done yoga before, you’ll need to get some equipment, like a mat and yoga blocks. You can structure relaxing sequences by incorporating sun salutations, inversions, backbends, twists, and forward bends.  Try to end each yoga session with a few minutes of meditation in order to fully relax.

Start a Fitness Routine

In addition to yoga, you might want to dedicate a few hours each week to more vigorous forms of exercise. But if you haven’t set foot in a gym since before the pandemic, you might be struggling to commit to a regular fitness routine again.  In order to stay dedicated to exercising, The Art of Charm recommends choosing at least three specific days to work out each week, picking an activity that you actually enjoy, and enlisting a friend as your accountability partner.

Change Your Diet

Finally, you might be ready to change your diet.  If you’ve been ordering food from your favorite restaurants and turning to comforting dishes when you feel stressed, you can begin incorporating more home-cooked meals with fresh vegetables and fruits into your diet. You can also make an effort to include more alkalizing foods like lemons, dates, and leafy green herbs on your grocery list!  These foods help boost your metabolism, support your immune system, reduce joint pain, and increase your overall energy so that you can pursue all of your post-pandemic goals.

After living through the pandemic, you may feel like your life isn’t quite on track. But as the world enters this new phase, it’s the perfect time to focus on beneficial personal changes.  With these tips, you’ll be able to prioritize self-improvement during the pandemic recovery!

Ready to transform your health? Working with Organic Healthy Life can change your life!  Fill out the contact form on our website today to schedule a private phone consultation.

5 Self-Improvement Tips for the COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery – Guest Written Article By Beverly Nelson


Beverly Nelson is the creator of Stand Up For Caregivers, which aims to help protect and advocate for the health and well-being of adult caregivers.
Beverly Nelson’s website is: beverly@standupforcaregivers.org

Medical Disclaimer: Information provided in this email is for informational purposes only. The information is a result of years of practice and experience by Nancy Addison CHC and Beverly Nelson. However, this information is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional, or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging.

Do not use the information provided in this email for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read in this email.

Information provided in this email and the use of any products or services related to this email by you DOES NOT create a health counselor-client relationship between you and Nancy Addison, certified health counselor and Beverly Nelson. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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